Raw Metal

Raw Metal

released on Mar 19, 2024

Raw Metal

released on Mar 19, 2024

Infiltrate the depths of an exoplanet mining facility to scavenge for gear and challenge a corrupt megacorporation. Utilize gadgets and equipment in high-stakes stealth, and hone your fighting skills in breakneck combat in this stylish stealth-action dungeon crawler.

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Visualmente incrivel, mas eu n esperava que fosse ser um roguelike chato pra caralho

Non mi capacito di come si possano fare recensioni negative, è un gioco sicuramente povero di particolarità ma prende la formula stealth più classica e la ripropone con meccaniche rogue mischiate ad un combat system anch'esso lineare ma godibile e difficile (come l'aspetto stealth). Solidissimo titolo, da seguire anche per eventuali aggiornamenti. Le boss fight poi sono veri pali in culo ma ad ogni trial anche per i vari stage qualsiasi giocatore migliora proprio per la costruzione cattiva ma sensata dell'intero gameplay

Well, Time for my First (Actual) Review.

This game is very fun, The rougelike elements compliment it, and the style is immaculate. The reason why I marked this game as "Shelved" is one and one major thing>

The Bosses.

I've only reached the first boss, and I attempted it nearly 30 times. I couldn't beat it. For a first boss, this is absolutly insane. The health system, which works for regular gameplay, is abhorrent for the boss. Yes, you get x2 the amount of health, but even then its a nightmare due to the different behavior to regular enemies, and the tight timing to dodge/parry. I saw that the devs are planning to rectify this change, and when they do, I cant wait to come back to this game and actually beat it. But for now, this singular issue is blocking my ability to have any fun at all.

So much potential, but ironically raw

good game very raw very metal.

A very stylish action game with light roguelike elements that is far more concerned with depicting fast paced skill focused melee combat and light stealth mechanics than anything else. While it may feel like an insurmountable wall at times, everything in the game can be conquered with careful planning and experience. It's not perfect and it does have some bugs at the moment but it's an incredibly enjoyable, replayable experience that has more depth than you might assume.

do you guys think if a gas station crackhead went up to the scavenger they'd be able to see a big, red warning sign over their head before attacking