Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery

Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery

released on Mar 22, 2024

Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery

released on Mar 22, 2024

A remake of Codename: Bakery Girl

Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery is a tactical turn based role-playing game. Set in the near future, Earth has plunged into the "Second Cold War", a world war in which two factions – the emerging Antarctic Union and the old guard UURSG – battle for dominance over cutting-edge technology that can turn the tide of war. An improved remake of the Tactical RPG "Code Name: Bakery Girl", the story is set 30 years after the events of Girls' Frontline.

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I've never played one of these Frontline girl's games, nor any true jrpg's besides FF7 remake, but this was a rather pleasant surprise, I'll probably try more in the future if they intrigued me enough to do so, and match or surpass the same quality of this game.

i am pretty sure i lost some sanity while playing this but god i love this game so much + having bakery girl 2092 as a reward after ch 4 was really nice i hope more games do that

will buy it again on switch and mobile probably so i can lose more sanity on-the-go

If you want to find out what a rush is. This is a good option lasting longer than a normal dozen hours campaign, coming up with something new until the very last room. Wasted on gfl people review bombing their only good game on steam

This is a great game. The gameplay, specially, is very fun, I throughly enjoyed both stealth and battle levels. The story is basic, but I think it does it well enough. My only complaint about this is that the story of Jefuty and Mendo isn't over at all, and the story ending this open when there's no sequel on the horizon kinda sucks, specially when we don't know if or when we'll actually get it. Either way, I still loved this game.

Reverse Collapse was a game I was really looking forward to for a long time, now that it’s finally here I’m happy to say I like it a lot. But no game is absolutely perfect, and RC does have some flaws, which I’ll start with.

Stealth as a mechanic is interesting, the game allows you to use guerrilla hit and run tactics on some maps, or just stealth maps flat out. I really appreciate the variety but stealth in a turn based strategy game built off of AP usage is a little annoying. There will be turns where you can probably move 1 or 2 tiles per turn because being in stealth mode consumes an extra AP, and pretty much every tile that isn’t road just eats away at more AP too. Flat out stealth maps are very trial and error too, working more like puzzles with a single solution. Thankfully a lot of stealth maps can be done loud as well, but they are occasionally mandatory and I always find them a slog.

Secondly I find the balancing to be kind of wacky. Normal difficulty is unbelievably easy compared to challenging. This is because there is optional EXP grinding, but also because it’s just easier to S rank maps so your units will just naturally be higher levels over time. While challenging lacks any EXP maps AND you lose out on parts and EXP if you don’t S rank maps. You eventually just get to a point where your units and items are not strong enough to genuinely fight anymore, and I was forced to bring the difficulty down just to continue. Let it be known I nearly got up to chapter 3 on challenge but the last map was just too much. This balancing issue really comes out during chapter 4, where all my units are just too strong to really have any trouble. The player just slowly gets more and more options to the point where not a lot of problems can’t be fixed in one turn.

This game has a lot of items and they are not made equal, this isn’t too much of a problem on its own, but I do find it a little silly how one note a lot of them are. For example there is a sound emitter you can build to attract zombie enemies, this cannot be used against anything else. Same with the shockwave grenades that move zombies around. I’m glad that these items can be disassembled for parts, but I do think a lot more items could find uses if they thought things out more.

Lastly, I do wish the game had a bit more character interactions. We only really see Mendo and Jefuty interact during those cooking cutscenes. This is fine for the most part and I really like these, but I just wanted a bit more. Jefuty makes comments about how she grew attached to Jevon, Atena and Carl too, but we barely see her do anything but talk business with them. I guess it’s just supposed to be implied that she’s been fighting alongside them forever so she naturally began liking them more.

With those small gripes out of the way, I can get into praising what I really like about the game.

For starters, I love the general gameplay loop. Unlike something like Fire Emblem your cast of units is usually small. You’ll typically only have 3 units at most, with the most you can possible have being 6 at one point. This creates really desperate situations where you are always unbelievably outnumbered and on the brink of being overwhelmed. You need to be clever and a little lucky with placement and item usage. Items are your equalizer, from grenades to automatic turrets, to tear gas, they all do horrible things to the enemies to even the playing field. It’s really satisfying to set traps for the AI for a turn, and then watch like a psychopath with a massive smile as they trip every trap and get themselves killed. Enemy AI is pretty relentless and it seems like every map has constant reinforcements. You’ll wipe out a massive wave, and then two more will spawn. Units themselves are fairly unique and have a massive skill tree, with passives and actives to rely on. I think a couple skills are absolute dogshit, but other ones are way too good to pass up, and turn characters into monsters. Every unit falls into a role.

Mendo: Jack of all trades with strong survivability.
Jeffry: Glass cannon with massive range.
Arena: Agro tank and item spammer.
Jevon: I don’t actually know what to put here but he’s basically the most broken unit ever. Like absolutely unreal it’s so clear why they don’t let you use him too much.
Carl: Supporter and debuffer.
Lige: Melee burst and dodge tank.

These units all have pretty nice diversity in terms of what they do, and every turn you’ll find yourself setting themselves up and settling into their usual roles. I was nervous that things would feel too samey with such a small character roster, but I’m glad I was wrong.

The writing is pretty enjoyable. I do think the technical mumbo jumbo gets a little much sometimes, I’m a long time GFL fan so I don’t mind it, but people new to the series may not feel the same. Characters are all pretty likable and generally pretty rational too. There weren’t really any situations where I thought people were acting annoying or stupid. Enemies seem pretty one note at first, but there is some depth there as you get deeper into the game. I need to praise the tone for this game though, it’s pretty rare these days to play something that takes it’s tone seriously the whole time, never breaking for ironic jokes or whatever at any point. It’s corny to say but the game is very sincere with its premise and story, and it makes a lot of it feel really authentic. A lot of cutscenes have full Japanese voice acting too which definitely helps sell it.

Lastly, the art is top tier, along with the music. I need to praise the menus as well because the HUD is easy to read and quick to use.

Overall I do really like Reverse Collapse: Codename Bakery. Despite the ridiculous name that my friends make fun of every time I bring it up, I thinks Mica continues to craft one of my favorite fictional universes, the wait was absolutely worth it, and I’d encourage anyone to give it a try if they like strategy or GFL.

Just keep in mind this game can be really trial and error at times, play the game on normal first to learn the quirks and the mechanics, as it lets you reset every turn and save whenever you want.

Girls Frontline is a franchise that has meant a lot to me over the last ~7 years. I distinctly remember the announcement of Codename: Bakery Girl remake in January 2018 and being filled with indescribable excitement at the idea of that game being fully realized. It has been almost 6 years since and I can say with no uncertainty that this game surpassed my expectations and is one of the best games I have ever played.

Reverse Collapse takes the original Codename: Bakery Girl and elevates it to an entirely new level. It is a phenomenal remake that surpasses the original in every regard. Every character, story beat, dialogue, interaction, character sprite, artwork, CG, soundtrack, and map/level design is filled with love and attention. You can feel the passion and love for this franchise oozing through every second of this adventure. It is filled with authentic zeal to tell its story reminiscent of Bakehouse and ambition to deliver an engaging experience reminiscent of Codename: Bakery Girl. It is the best parts of Girls Frontline, Girls Frontline: Neural Cloud, Girls Frontline 2, the original Bakehouse, and Codename: Bakery Girl. It is a love letter not only to this franchise and its original vision but also to the fans who have and continue to dedicate themselves to one of the most ambitious stories told.

It's amazing just how deeply I fell in love with the cast: Mendo, Jefuty, Atena, Jevon, and Carl are all such charismatic characters. I can genuinely say I love them all. Jefuty and Mendo in particular are so phenomenal, presenting such engaging chemistry that you can't help but root for them through each story beat. I thoroughly enjoyed the villains and each twist and turn through the Caucasus Mountain region. I loved all the collectibles referencing older characters or events. I loved all the confidential files that took advantage of Girls Frontline's amazing and intricate world. I cannot stress enough how excited I was seeing certain entries. I loved seeing the culmination of this journey and wish so desperately I could experience it for the first time again.

I could go on and on and on and on about Reverse Collapse but ultimately, Reverse Collapse is a game about love, sacrifice, hope, despair, and unyielding determination. It is about doing right by those you love and choosing the impossible, enduring unending tragedy so those you love can live happily and freely. It is a beautiful story about choice and the consequences of it.

To Yuzhong, to Shaonian, to MICA and its talented devs, to XD and everyone involved in this project thank you for delivering an experience so beautiful it will remain with me for years.

And once more to Yuzhong, and MICA, thank you so much for continually writing stories that resonate with so many people. Thank you for Girls Frontline, Neural Cloud, Reverse Collapse and all the stories you've shared in this beautiful world you've crafted.