Siege of Avalon

Siege of Avalon

released on Sep 17, 2001

Siege of Avalon

released on Sep 17, 2001

Siege of Avalon is a traditional fantasy-RPG with an isometric view. The setting is an imaginary land which has been ruined by wars and it is up to you to defeat the evil warrior Mithras, who strives to conquer the entire land. Only the fortress of Avalon resists to his evil intentions. The game is mainly story-driven, featuring many NPCs, and has action-based combat. It doesn't follow any particular set of RPG rules; characters level up after having gained enough experience from defeating foes. Class restrictions are rather mild, meaning that a fighter can learn spells and gain proficiency in magic, etc. This game has been described as an "episodic computer game novel". It is divided into six chapters. The first one is available for free download, but you have to buy the others in order to complete the story. Second chapter takes the events from where the first chapter ended, while third, fourth and fifth chapters are sort of add-ons to the main story. The sixth chapter is dedicated to the final battle with the evil.

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I loved playing the original as a child, but never got past the end of chapter 3. I think that was due to a bug. I've now played the entire thing in the new Steam version after several years and am wallowing in nostalgia. Well, it's rather mediocre in many areas, especially the combat system and the enemy/companion AI. However, I think the story and writing are generally quite good. The texts in the journal are beautifully written and lovingly designed, the music is very good (if a little monotonous) and I think the designs of the armor, weapons, etc. are also very beautiful. But without nostalgia, I think it will be difficult to like this game ;)