Source of Madness

Source of Madness

released on Sep 22, 2021

Source of Madness

released on Sep 22, 2021

Source of Madness is a side-scrolling dark action roguelite set in a twisted Lovecraftian inspired world powered by procedural generation and AI machine learning. Take on the role of a new Acolyte as they embark on a nightmarish odyssey.

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Uma Boa estética
Um bom design de criaturas
Uma boa atmosfera
Um texto intrigante.

Porem em termos de gameplay, movimentação e etc, digamos que é precário até demais...

Infelizmente nao consegui jogar mais que 3 horas... Talvez numa sequel eu volte, fiquei curioso!

This one is a weird one as every single thing I enjoyed also has its negative side.
For example I like the art-style but it's also very unreadable especially when you're trying to understand what on earth are the enemies doing. Speaking of enemies I do like the combat on some level as it's fast-paced and you get new items so quickly it never gets stale as you keep changing your spells constantly. On the other hand it feels like they had no idea what to do with the enemies so they just made every single one of them a physics blob that jumps around and sometimes maybe attacks? If you see red just dash away because I can't read any of these attacks outside the boss fights.

Esse foi uma surpresa agradável.
A atmosfera lovecraftiana é bem bacana e dá muita vontade.
é um novo tipo de metroidvania que vale a pena.

Wiem, że mamy dopiero styczeń, ale nwm czy odnajdę prędko jakąś raczej niezbyt znaną grę, która tak bardzo mi siądzie jak SOURCE OF MADNESS. Jeśli kochacie Lovecrafta jak ja, to gra ta będzie dla was istną ucztą. Piękna klimatyczna ze świetną mechaniką 💜

I respect and appreciate the sheer audacity of this art style, even though I don't find it particularly attractive, but that's really about it. I didn't love controlling the character with the floaty jump and the control scheme that doesn't quite work as it expects you to attack with R2, aim with RS and jump with X all at the same time (and while you can re-map, I don't feel like designing my own control scheme for this game) and this is one of those cryptic and abrasive games that wants you to put in work to understand it and get anywhere, and the in my opinion kind of ugly vibe unenjoyable control scheme left me feeling like I didn't want more.