SpacewAR Uprising

SpacewAR Uprising

released on May 02, 2018

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SpacewAR Uprising

released on May 02, 2018

SPACEWAR UPRISING is the ultimate augmented reality galactic war game – in which you take control of a heavily-equipped spaceship and destroy alien battleships. Play the exciting extra-terrestrial infinite war game SPACE UPRISING. THE GAMER You are one of the most intrepid military pilots on the Earth. You are given warships stacked with a wide range of weapons. You need to destroy all alien spaceships You need to protect X-Castera and be one of the Guardians of Earth Get into the cockpit and fight bravely THE GAME PLAY The player has to move around to play this super exciting Augmented Reality game Spaceships will come close to the player through space entrances Locate your enemies on the RADAR screen Choose your weapon wisely to attack the powerful battleships Destroy the enemy spaceship and become a hero in the Universe Collect Space Chips from the destroyed spaceships Utilise the Space Chips to buy advanced battleships and fight better Acquire the Protecting Shields to escape from enemy attack THE STORY Clomatandria, is a miscreation, merciless and dominant alien and commander of Clomazavendra galaxy. She wanted to be God, and make her galaxy the centre of the Universe; hence is destroying other galaxies with her evil powers. When she planned to destroy Earth, the best brains of our planet developed the energy core X-Castera as a protecting shield. X-Castera needs to be placed and activated in different parts of our planet, and it needs to be protected. She wants to destroy X-Castera, and will send a fleet of her ferocious battle ships for this mission. The bravest fighter pilots in our planet are assigned with the ultimate mission- to activate X-Castera and protect it from the savagery alien ships THE MISSION Find a suitable location to place and activate X-Castera Protect X-Castera from the savagery alien spaceships. Destroy all alien spaceships and collect space chips from them THE ENEMY SPACESHIPS *DUVINUS **OCTACLODRIAN **XAMANDRIAN **PROGECTRANIO** **COSPOMALEANTRA ***EMPTADRIA *** DUMOPUGUSTRA *** ***TRACHOLOMBUDUS **** CRYNOBETTENAIHCRA **** The enemy battleships are endless. Get ready to fight PURSUIT AND BATTLE Fight it out with a huge array of villainous spaceships in iconic locations Adventure through an exciting Sci-Fi story line in view of a fictional Galaxy Play it anywhere the action-packed fighting utilizing your surroundings Developed specifically for the iOS devices with ARKit

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