Super Smash T.V.

Super Smash T.V.

released on Feb 01, 1992

Super Smash T.V.

released on Feb 01, 1992

A port of Smash T.V.

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Famicom port of Smash T.V. Smash T.V. was an arcade game created by Eugene Jarvis and Mark Turmell for Williams released in 1990. It is a dual-stick shooter in the same vein as its predecessor, Robotron: 2084 (also produced by Jarvis). As in the previous game, players battle waves of enemies by using guns. The plot of Smash TV revolves around a futuristic game show in which players compete for various prizes as well as their lives. As the Super Nintendo doesn't have dual stick controls, the ABXY buttons are used to aim the player's gun instead - for a total of 8 possible directions.

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Paul Verhoeven the game.

If you haven't earned your way to the Pleasure Dome then you haven't lived.

I for sure didn't use Game Genie to beat this. Easiest game I ever played. Wink.

Uma relíquia do super nintendo. Divertido e altamente desafiador. Perfeito pra jogar em dupla.

This was just okay, but videos and such talking about it led me to expect something better. The first 15 minutes are pretty damn fun, but it's kind of just the same thing for the whole runtime. It gets absurdly hard and unfair very quickly too, with enemies frequently swarming you in a way that only provides nearly frame perfect escapes.

The controls are a bit weird, probably worked better on the arcade version, but rather than aiming with the d-pad you have each button correspond to a direction to shoot in, with diagonals working by pressing two at the same time. It's kind of wonky using a keyboard, but I don't think it seems much better with a controller (at least not the diagonals). Not that I'll play it again to find out. It may be actually pretty close to a decent game, but man it is really exhausting.


i murder 50 people to win a toaster