A typical evening at a local bar erupts into chaos as members of a Special Forces strike team descend through the roof to kidnap a young girl, Dominique. Three bouncers--Sion, Volt, and Kou--come to the rescue, only to see the invaders grab Dominique, retreat through a window, and escape. Now it's up to you to save Dominique either alone or simultaneously with three friends. With The Bouncer's 3D combat environment, battles can take place anywhere.

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pure unfiltered late 90s/2000s Square presentation with rough combat and a story that sure is a story but charming nonetheless.

Combat is fun enough but incredibly simplistic. Playing as Sion I learned pretty fast that I could just mule kick my way to victory. Having to do multiple playthroughs per character to fully upgrade is not fun and makes the idea of revisits a chore, even with the slightly different routes you can take.

The story is not very good either. There are some interesting ideas here, particularly with the setting, but that's about it. Some cool worldbuilding and there's a charming nostalgia to playing something so 'Square in the year 2000' but that's about all that's here.

Overall, it's not a good game. But it's unique enough to be worth the two hours or less of your life it takes to experience it. Then you can tell all your friends, "I played The Bouncer!" And then they can stare at you, confused.

Super worth playing just for the ending song also. Was absolutely blindsided by it and my friend and I were howling. If you can get it for cheap or emulate it and have an afternoon to spare, give it a run. But it's nothing to go far out of your way for.

How can you not love a game where you can play sora kingdom hearts beating the shit out of people.
The combat is pretty fun, and the story is comparable to the critically acclaimed literary classic;
god hand for the playstation two