The Crooked Man

The Crooked Man

released on Dec 31, 2012



The Crooked Man

released on Dec 31, 2012



David Hoover decides to move into a new apartment during a rough time in his life. After some odd occurrences, he decides to ask about the room's former owner, but learns little. So he sets off in search of him, strangely compelled to know more about this man...

Also in series

The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man
The Boogie Man
The Boogie Man

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nice older rpgmaker game with decent story

where the gameplay lacks the story makes up for it tenfold, definitley go into this one blind if you can

Everything feels so deliberate and the Crooked Man himself is a fantastic monster design. One of the best narratives in RPG Maker horror.

Pure RPG Maker jankino.