In this ARPG you control a hero who explores a series of randomized dungeons, fightinghordes of enemies and collecting equipment, gold, and loot while doing so. The game also features a town , to which the hero can return to sell and buy gear and items and pick up quests. As you progress into the dungeon, you get to battle unique bosses that advance the main storyline by completing quests revolving around them. Optionally, the player may take on side quests, random quests or visit branching dungeon areas to further develop their character.

Also in series

Torchlight: Infinite
Torchlight: Infinite
Torchlight III
Torchlight III
Torchlight II
Torchlight II

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Em uma época em que nem Pc eu tinha, peguei o notebook da minha irmã e encontrei um aplicativo que disponibilizava diversas demos de games, e a única que realmente me marcou, foi a demo de Torchlight. Fiquei encantado, nunca tinha jogado nada parecido...

Torchlight funciona com a mesma receita de bolo, Diablo puro. Infelizmente o game não envelheceu tão bem, possuí gráficos bem datados, objetivos monótonos, história muito fraca e poucas classes (a experiência pode ficar bem melhor com alguns mods) . Mesmo assim é um bom jogo e possui uma gameplay interessante com uma boa variedade de builds. Se você é um amante de RPG estilo Diablo, então tem grandes chances de curtir Torchlight

Torchlight foi totalmente superado por uma obra prima chamada torchlight 2
| 7.0 |

Torchlight is just... fine? It has the makings of a fun ARPG but ultimately runs its course pretty quickly. The setting (for gameplay) is similar to Diablo 1, main hub city and then ever expanding floors in a dungeon below it. The environments are okay, nothing special but there's enough variety to keep it fresh for a playthrough. Skills and stats are straightforward, there's not a whole lot of depth to them but there doesn't really need to be. The crafting is entirely random which kind of stings because good drops are pretty scarce, which also means gold is scarce which makes buying equipment as an alternative difficult.

The enemies are where the game kind of annoyed me, there is a ton of summoner/reviving enemies and they increase in quantity as you go deeper, and they can summon and revive so fast that getting overwhelmed and dying can happen just because of the pace. Hitboxes also kind of sucked playing a ranged character, they seemed off at times and fighting enemies on stairs is a nightmare (which also becomes a bigger issue the further you get). Also, there's a weird delay before you can use a skill after using a potion and it was responsible for at least half my deaths.

There's what I'm assuming is an endless dungeon grind opened after the final fight, but I'm not really too keen on trying it. It really is just a bang average ARPG for the most part; if you like these kinds of games it's worth a shot, but if you're looking for something with depth and longevity, I'd look elsewhere.

Believe it or not, in the late 2000s there was actually a lack of Diablo style action RPGs. In that dearth, this game somehow seemed appealing. Now I look back on it as a very generic and mediocre experience.

Standard ARPG that was decent fun until the final area. Don't play this one on hard mode like I did if you don't want to deal with a sudden difficulty spike that either requires cheesing the final stretch or grinding for hours on end.

Simple and good fun, with snappy progression and character building that is very easy to grasp but also provides a decent amount of options. I don't typically play a lot of ARPGs, but I had an enjoyable time with Torchlight. I enjoyed the graphical style, too. It's nowhere near a powerhouse, but it just has a comfortable old charm to it.

I played the alchemist and went for a full minion build which very much lived up to my expectations. I barely attacked with my character at all near the end. It was chaos, as I had about two dozen friendly minions buffed up attacking the enemy. My main complaint with the game pertains to this playstyle, the pathfinding could be particularly irksome in some sections. The enemy AI would have no trouble navigating a corner and ascending or descending some stairs, but my minions never seemed to be this smart.

Final Rating: 7 out of 10 - Great
Gameplay: 8 out of 10
Graphics: 8 out of 10
Story/Lore: 7 out of 10
SFX/OST: 7 out of 10