TouchMaster Connect

TouchMaster Connect

released on Dec 17, 2010

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TouchMaster Connect

released on Dec 17, 2010

Also in series

TouchMaster 3
TouchMaster 3
Touchmaster 2
Touchmaster 2

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Well I now own all four of the accursed Touchmaster games and the world is worse off for it. Its slightly frustrating because every single time one of these stupid sequels does something actually good and interesting, it proceeds to fudge up something else in the process.

Last time I bitched about the terrible UI design and layout. Thats now much better and cleaner but in the process they somehow muddled up basic selection with weird double-clicking and dragging mechanics that have no sense being in this.

The games themselves as the usual collection of 'meh' to 'ok'. Its nice to have a lot of the games feel like their own thing the majority of the time though I do have to question the sanity of whoever put together what's essentially a 'feeding frenzy' ripoff but with Carnivorous snowmen instead of fish.

What makes it slightly annoying though is that even though the general games have gotten better for the most part, its ruined by a good chunk of the games just 'ending' arbitrarily which gives it all a unfinished quality to it.

At least that's all done now unless WB for some reason decides to resurrect this shambling corpse of a series and given their track record.... I think we're safe from seeing a Touchmaster 5.