Adventure into a world of unparalleled depth and danger with SquareSoft's Vagrant Story. In this sweeping dungeon-crawling epic you play as Ashley Riot, a young assassin and spy for the organization known as Riskbreakers. Your goal is to unravel a deep and twisted plot and come to terms with the recent death of your wife and child. If this sounds a bit too cerebral never fear. Your path to recapturing your sense of humanity hinges on the destruction of countless vicious monsters and the exploration of dark and dangerous dungeons. Vagrant Story is awash in gorgeous scenery and features designs from Yasumi Matsuno and Akihiko Yoshida, the acclaimed artists and creators behind Final Fantasy Tactics.

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No fue mi tipo pero chulísimo, debo probar más de estas cosas

Vagrant Story is a delightful reminder of the golden age of gaming in the 90s and 2000s, when innovation truly thrived. This was a time when game developers had the freedom to pour their soul and passion into their creations, leading to an explosion of creativity and experimentation. During that era, creativity was at its peak, and Vagrant Story stands as a perfect example of the boundless imagination and innovation of the time.

The game is definitely showing its age due to its clunkiness, but I didn't mind at all. However, I have to admit that its deep and complex gameplay mechanics took me by surprise and were often a chore to navigate. Don't get me wrong, the game isn’t particularly difficult, rather, it’s under explained. Its complex, layered systems require external research to fully grasp. You’ll need to create different weapons for tackling various types of enemies, otherwise, you might reach a point where you're doing barely any damage. Vagrant Story is kind of hardcore in that respect. Though, the worst and most dated part is definitely the excessive amount of menuing you have to do.

But it’s well worth the effort, as it’s an engaging and beautiful game with a mature tone and an occult, eerie atmosphere. The ambiance—whether you’re exploring catacombs, witnessing demons and the undead roaming the streets, or hearing the anguished cries of the damned—is truly immersive.

The game is an absolute masterclass in storytelling and atmosphere. I’m aware some might find the dialogue overly theatrical, but I absolutely eat that stuff up in my medieval games. For me, it was simply fantastic. It’s also one of the few games of its era that has actual cinematography. It honestly still boasts some of the best cinematography on the PS1, as seen in its stunning opening sequence. What they managed to do with the PS1's limitations is just astounding as the cinematic aspect holds up so well even today.

Vagrant Story is an easy recommendation if you're willing to put in the effort to understand its systems. The game won’t hold your hand and expects you to do a little legwork in understanding it. I've read how people finished the game in under 10 hours and others who took over 20 hours. This showcases perfectly how the deep and complex system can be utilized. If you’re going in blind with no guide whatsoever, you might have a hard time. It all depends on how much you want to spend hours reading guides online or trying to figure things out through trial and error due to the obtuse equipment development system. Personally, it felt like the game was made alongside the guide, and they expected everyone to have it.

Overall, Vagrant Story is a well written, visually striking experience hidden behind a convoluted combat system with minimal in-game guidance. But the unique, atmospheric world it creates makes the effort worthwhile.

A beautiful, interesting game with good characters and plot... as far as I was able to play it before the weapons I carried started doing 0 damage. Having to basically custom craft a weapon for each boss because you didn't perfectly predict the class, type, AND affinity is such a pain. With a good remake that smooths out this very interesting but painful system, I would love this game.

might pick it up later bcs it's SO BEAUTIFUL but i got tired of the weapon switching in like 40 mins so i'm just saving my own sanity for now when the game inevitably gets hard and i'll have to engage in crafting i'll hate it so i'll pick it up maybe when i don't have ipad baby brain

Matsuno es la persona más importante y ambiciosa que ha pisado esta industria

I'd heard for years about how cool this game was. A former roommate very kindly gifted me a copy, I think for my birthday one year. I was excited to check it out, but I did have a hard time getting into it. I'll agree with most that this is one of the best-looking games on the PS1, it's incredible what they were able to do with that hardware. And the idea of the combat seemed neat, but the systems of equipment management the game threw at me up top really brought down my enjoyment. Maybe if I had powered through that I'd have ended up loving it, but I never finished it