Vlad Circus: Descend Into Madness

Vlad Circus: Descend Into Madness

released on Oct 17, 2023

Vlad Circus: Descend Into Madness

released on Oct 17, 2023

Vlad Circus: Descend into Madness puts your sanity to the test, challenging you to escape a labyrinth of nightmares and torment. Test your mind against a slow burn of puzzles, light survival mechanics, and methodical action.

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Estuvo bastante bien. El único problema es que algunas cosas no eran nada intuitivas, sobre todo en la batalla final, que yo veía los cofres vacíos y ni siquiera pensé en abrirlos. Me gustó mucho que tuvieses que utilizar la lógica para algunos 'puzzles', como con el tema del fusible. Un juego divertido, un poco tétrico y con unos gráficos curiosos. Más de una vez me llevé un susto con los enemigos, y también me reí bastante con los comentarios del ventrílocuo. Qué gran recomendación de mi novio. ~

Um jogo com artes e animações lindas, puzzles legais e um combate simples mas funcional. Possui uma história extremamente cativante que infelizmente se perde no final (a impressão é de que os DEVs tiveram que lançar o jogo muito antes do planejado e fizeram o final de qualquer jeito).

Apesar disso é um jogo muito divertido que vale a pena ser jogado. Espero ver uma continuação dessa história em uma sequência futuramente.

Vlad Circus Descend Into Madness es una aventura gráfica mezclada con elementos de supervivencia y con una ambientación llena de horrores. La historia que nos cuenta es interesante y nos mantendrá pegados a nuestras pantallas hasta el final, aunque el desenlace puede ser algo previsible, pero merecerá la pena el viaje. Jugarlo es divertido, con unos puzles racionales y lógicos y de dificultad asequible que no nos atascarán ni frustraran. Lo que si puede cansarnos en varias ocasiones son los largos paseos que daremos de un escenario en el que encontramos un objeto hasta el lugar donde lo necesitamos.

La acción tipo survival horror es simple, muy simple, y no nos supondrá apenas un reto. Al principio podrá parecer entretenido, pero a medida que reaparecen ciertos enemigos una y otra vez, puede ser un poco repetitivo. El apartado gráfico tipo pixel art es oscuro, tenebroso y una maravilla, consiguiendo crear una atmosfera terrorífica a la perfección. Una ambientación al borde de la locura que a mi personalmente me ha ganado. Tras casi 5 horas para completarlo con todos sus logros puedo recomendar Vlad Circus a los amantes de las aventuras con un aire sobrenatural y espeluznante.

Leer análisis completo en Retro & Pixel Press: https://retropixelpress.blogspot.com/2023/10/analisis-de-vlad-circus-descend-into.html

I didn’t get to try the demo on time and suddenly found out about this game. I wasn’t sure whether it was worth buying ‘day 1’ but I went ahead after some research. I’ve completed the game the next day in 5.5 hours according to Steam. It was clearly a very good decision!

It’s the story, setting and characters that are the star of the show. It’s something I haven’t experienced before. When was the last time you played a game with a circus theme and you being an ex-clown with a traumatic experience? All the characters are original with excellent dialogues. It’s not originality for originality’s sake. It all feels natural (except for the bearded lady maybe) and fitting. I personally loved the ending and appreciate it being realistic instead of coming up with something else that might grab your attention more, but loses everything the story was trying to achieve. We need more mature stories that focus on mental health issues or coping with losing loved ones without making it supernatural or fantasy. The game handled all of it flawlessly.

The gameplay is a mix of point and click adventure with survival horror elements. It plays more like a survival horror game in terms of exploration and using items but it’s not as fleshed out when it comes to combat. You mostly explore a big mansion and its surrounding area, looking for clues, trying to solve simple puzzles and open locked doors. This part feels like OG RE a bit. I loved how your journal is used extensively. Whenever you have a semi-important conversation, Ollie writes a journal to give you more info or you get Ollie’s opinion on the matter that is not mentioned in the dialogues. The journal also has a list of important points, kind of a checklist with significant puzzles that need to be cleared to advance the story. The points get crossed when you complete them. You can drop items when your inventory is full and the journal tells you exactly where the items are when you drop them. And lastly you get a simple map that’s not very detailed but you don’t need a detailed one. The areas are easy to remember for how well designed they are.

The fighting is either using one knife you can sharpen or 2 guns. Instead of health you have stress meter that becomes worse when you see enemies or get bitten by rats. You control the stress meter by either praying or drinking tonic. While the combat is not very deep, I do like its inclusion. I prefer having it instead of nothing. But it can get frustrating in certain spots on challenge difficulty if you don’t know how certain things work. Make sure to use guns instead of the knife when you’re dealing with multiple enemies at the same time. Enemies don’t spawn if you’re still inside the area but they can spawn when you re-enter the area etc. I do appreciate the fact you can change the difficulty freely whenever you feel like it. So there is no penalty in giving challenge a try. It’s fun finding the right balance to kill enemies quickly and not becoming tired or too stressed. You can’t do anything for a few seconds when you’re tired, so it can be pretty fatal if you’re wrong with your calculations.

When it comes to flaws, I can think of one mainly but I found out there is an easier way of dealing with it after going through it. There is a baby section right near the end. It was very tedious and almost ruined everything I experienced. I did it without guns but apparently you can use a gun with 2 chests lying nearby. Also when you’re being chased, you don’t need to run. Just make sure you keep walking and you will be fine for the most part. I think it should be made clearer that you can use guns and where they’re placed to avoid gamers ragequitting and hating on the game due to 1 section. Another flaw, though very minor, is probably fleshing out the combat and integrate it more with the rest of the game. More enemy variety, being shown where you’re aiming etc. It is a smaller part of the game though. So it’s not like it was severely needed and aiming worked fine for the most part.

This game is a great accomplishment that made me an instant fan of the developer. I’m very excited what they will do next. I really hope we’ll get more point and click/survival horror games from them. 30% off RRP price is definitely worth it imo.