Will Glow the Wisp

Will Glow the Wisp

released on Sep 15, 2017

Will Glow the Wisp

released on Sep 15, 2017

Will Glow the Wisp is a physics based abstract platformer without platforms, with a unique particle based theme and movement mechanics. It is best described as a mix of Super Meat Boy and Geometry Wars.

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Definitely a game I would dig playing on something like an iPad or iPhone (if coded well). It does well to beat the "Created with Unity" shovelware adornment by using colorful assets and the ability to change the character with different stats. Nice floaty mechanics and space music make this interesting. Developer approach to negative comments as humble as it can get. Beat 10/12 levels of the first world, had a good time.

Big fat social media integration and terms you have to accept to play the game (can't you do this in an EULA?) is a turn off though. Even though none seemed too intrusive, I was given the option, so I played "offline".

Not a bad game, enjoyed playing it, enjoyed it less trying to master it because I was pretty bad at it. If you like small difficult games give it a try.

La verdad se siente muy genérico y poco trabajado. Por lo menos es entretenido en cierta medida y tiene algunas canciones de fondo buenas, aunque no son originales. Genera estrés y relajación al mismo tiempo, formando una sensación rara y satisfactoria. Poco destacable en su jugabilidad, solo se puede decir que es desafiante pero no imposible.