

released on Sep 17, 2020


released on Sep 17, 2020

In Wingspan you are bird enthusiasts - researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors - seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves.

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A pretty good translation of the board game. A little odd to start off but when you’re in the swing of it you’ll understand why the kakapo is the world’s best bird.

One of my favorite board games that is not aided by a digital version as much as one might think. Dominion is another complex board game that I love that has lots of overhead and is greatly aided by the digital version, but I found this version of Wingspan to be a little more obtuse than necessary. Even being familiar with the tabletop version of this game, I had a bit of trouble deciphering the very busy board layouts and where to find all the info I was looking for.

The gameplay is slightly different in this version of the game in a way that I'm not sure is better or worse yet. The turn actions have been modified to be a little more complex but offer more options within each action, and the addition of the nectar system greatly alters the way you interact with food tokens. In my opinion there was not a great need for this change, so it is odd to me.

The artwork, however, is amazing as always. Seeing the animated birds is nice, and the field view of the game board has some really pretty environments. I just wish it was it was less at odds with the visual chaos of all the game's systems. I am also a huge fan of long board games with asynchronous digital versions, reducing the time commitment it takes to finish a game. Overall, if you are a fan of engine-building games, or if you enjoy the tabletop version and want to play remotely with your friends, this is worthwhile to pick up!

how can you go wrong with birbs

this is actually a required text on the syllabus at bird school

A charming adaptation of the excellent tabletop game with polished presentation: great illustrated backdrops, the birds have cute animations and their respective birdcalls, a pleasantly relaxed soundtrack, and an overall chill vibe. Like the tabletop version, I enjoy that this is a game where any annoyance I might feel over bad RNG or losing to another player is cancelled out by the fact that Hey I Got To Look At Cool Birds.

Didn't get super deep into the complexities or gameplay quirks, but I really do think this game is really fun, unlike many though I didn't play the original board game. It's fun, cute, lively, and calming to play and yet competitive in it's own way. It feels like a game that would be like Solitaire but multiplayer.