Reviews from

in the past

Doesn't do anything that similar games don't do significantly better. The only thing it brings to the table is weak, overly present writing and a boatload of tedium. Why should buying a single ingredient (which you have to do several times between every gameplay section) require you to press the same button 7 times in a row instead of just once? That's not an exaggeration, I counted, you have skip through the same multiple lines of dialogue every single time. The store sells 12 items at a time, and to keep up with the progressing levels, you need to buy all of them each day (which is easy because you can buy everything in the game every day and still have far more money than it's possible to spend anywhere; completely imbalanced). At 7 button presses per ingredient, that's 84 mindless, consecutive taps of the same button to accomplish something that should honestly be automatic since there's no decision-making involved. That amount of tedium is borderline insulting for gameplay that's so mediocre to begin with.

It is okey not too good not too bad