Reviews from

in the past

Alpha Polaris is a very well done point and click horror game. The setting is the real star here in my opinion. It's very fleshed out, well detailed, and just large enough not to get too boring in the 4 to 5 hours it'll take to complete it. It taking place in an arctic research base will obviously draw comparisons to The Thing and while there are similarities it still does enough to distinguish itself and have its own story. The story itself is well told and intriguing but I'll leave that for you to discover for yourself. The characters are likable with no real standouts but they fill their roles well.

I'd recommend Alpha Polaris if you want a solid point and click horror game and I'd recommend it even more if you want a game to scratch that winter horror itch. Not a lot of those going around and I appreciate finding this, especially for free. It's a shame that this is the only game by the team who made this.

I like the arctic vibe, horror at the middle of nowhere. The puzzles are mostly logical, graphics are a little outdated, even for a time of the release. I don't understand the light novel characters drawings during dialogues, seems unnecessary.