Reviews from

in the past

I've played through a few different beta releases, and I can't wait till the full release. This is ridiculously fun and creative. The mechanics feel really good, the dungeon design works phenomenally well. The devs started with the gameplay before building out the rest of the game, and it's working so far. As they add more levels, enemies, bosses, and items, I'm sure they'll be perfect.

WHAT A SICK DUNGEON CRAWLER. I'm still working on it, but it's so so cool!! It reminds me a lot of Shattered Pixel Dungeon, and works surprisingly well in a VR environment! Would totally recommend trying out if you have the chance!

Ancient Dungeon VR is my first VR Dungeon Crawler, and it's good!

ADVR is my first proper delve into VR, i went in expecting something along the likes of Barony, but honestly, i should curb my expectations. It's a very fun game. After
30 odd attempts of delving into the dungeon, i write this with a win under my belt. The gameplay loop is addicting, each death if you get new items or journal pages, gives
you insight. Which you can unlock other things which appear in the dungeon, such as picking 1 of 2 upgrades or having secret rooms. These minute things add and compliment
the game. You currently have the choice of a sword and knife combo, or a crossbow and dagger, both weapon sets give you ranged and melee options. Holding the trigger
on your controllers will let you grab items, climb ladders and either throw your weapon, or draw your dagger. The grip buttons let you use an equipment, these take
time to recharge, upgrade items improve your stats, such as damage or give you a discout at a merchant. Enemies are rather simple, consisting of zombies, slimes, bats. The
second half of the dungeon (as of writing this review) has more complex foes, constructs in the library fire partial homing discs, whilst in the mines, they fire vertical
waves. Hell, books even shoot magic at you. The bosses each have their own kind of gimmick, the slime being the most simple, with the deranged adventurer swings his stick?
sword? around, hitting him enough forces him to jump and slam down causing a spike aoe attack.

As you delve through the dungeon, you'll eventually reach The Beast's Cradle. This place is essentially the final area. A gauntlet versus a beholder, at first firing waves
at you, then charging a beam, and finally he just blindly charges at you. If you manage to defeat him, he may throw you out. you'll see a man hammering away. turns out,
you get thrown out of the dungeon. that thing did not like you hurting it. Mechanically, this game is simple. But simple enough not to be overwhelming. If you're trying to
get into VR, a cheap headset is the way to go. a Quest 2 is the best shout but a WMR headset is a cheap entry point. This game is also a very good starter to familiarize
yourself with moving and looking around. Other VR games also prove to be good starters, Blade & Sorcery being one of them.

This game is good for being in early access. And rarely, do I find good EA games. This one for me, currently has hit it out of the park. All this game needs to improve itself
is online co-op, more weapon choices, and a few more defensive options, a shield would be a good idea just for the sake of blocking projectiles. and if you could upgrade it
to deflect magic attacks, it'd be a welcomed addition in my eyes. Nonetheless. very good EA game, needs more features. And imo would succeed with online coop.

EDIT; Online Co-op is in development.

Wish i could play more currently but can't. Super fun from what I did play though.

fun game great art style very fun

Um roguelike mega basico e pé no chão, MAS EM VR!!! Nossa é bom d+ jogar essa porra, nos fds que o escravo aqui tem que ir trabalhar levei o quest diversas vezes pra ficar brincando ao invés de trabalhar.

One of the best vr roguelites of all time.

Ancient Dungeon VR is currently in early access but it's still one of the most polished VR experiences I have ever experienced and by far my most favourite VR game ever made and it's not even finished. Incredible rouglike dungeon crawler with smooth and creative combat