Reviews from

in the past

Angry Birds de carro? Ok né, vamos fingir que faz sentido que não foi feito pra tirar dinheiro dessa franquia

Absolute classic: The Spinoff: The Racing Game

this game has a great concept, with not so great execution

Gives me a lot of nostalgia. Why is this game super hard.

I don’t feel like ranking every birds game I played but this one was extremely addicting (Better than Mario kart some would say).

This is probably the non Mario only kart game that I had fun at least during 2013-2015, the 2.0 sucks which prevents it from going higher, but a 3 three stars (hey angry birds taken down the pigs) that isn't that bad. Oh I do own the toys that was market it. I would love to play this game again, at least before the 2.0 update.

this is not mario kart bro

na minha memória era melhor

i didnt actually play this, i just had a thought I wanted to type out for myself.
this dropped some random day during elementary school. i had woken up early that day (not sure if I set an alarm, or if it was random) and when I opened the google play store page for this app, it had 0 reviews/downloads(?). for yrs i genuinely believed I was the first android user in the US to have downloaded this game .
after remembering this, I really do not think that is the case at all. lmao

bro you are NOT garfield kart!

GooeyScale: 45/100

Quite an unique karting game with the angry birds theme. I would say this would be my favourite game in the franchise if it wasn't for the F2P antics (It's veerryy expensive)

Reconheço que não é perfeito, mas eu amava.

actaully peak mariokart SUCKS

i think this was the first game that changed the formula of angry birds, and it made kid me even more obsessed

skrr skrr skrr skrr skrr skrr skrr skrr murder riiiide murder riiiide

I could've sworn this was fun.

3☆ - As weird and ripoffy as it was I actually rather enjoyed it.

before rovio shoved a brick up it's ass, it was genuinely a really great game! the gameplay is fun! the soundtrack is a bop! and the characters are really great here! would recommend