Reviews from

in the past

Has some charm but in terms of level design is fairly middle of the road

A great idea with solid execution, just the physics are flawed in really irritating spots that can spoil your eggs and fun easily.

Had my first playthrough a few months ago and was smitten. I can easily see this only getting better in subsequent playthroughs. Just a simple, charming, and most importantly, fun game.

Mechanics in this Katamari Sonic Adventure game are rough. 9/10 attempted jumps either get you killed or having only just the egg make it to the platform because your short ass is too tiny for this ride. Also never trust rails, I've died way too many times because of RAILS.
Fun game though, probably never gonna play it again.

Billy Hatcher is one of the most unique games I've ever played. I don't actually know if it's actually good by modern standards, but it certainly held my attention as a kid for a lot longer than most games, and that has to count for something.

the camera controls were so abysmal that I did not want to finish the game. the game really shows its age. clippen is life though so I have to give it at least two stars.


It hits right down the middle. It’s fun and memorable, but it doesn’t particularly stand out as exceptional in anything that it does. It’s worth playing if you are bored or curious about it though.

Frustrating till the end
This platforming made walking it’s worst control; super clunky and context sensitive to how you press something without ever telling you. It leading to many deaths where I screamed “BILLY WHY DID YOU LET GO OF THE FUCKING EGG?!” It’s an original idea that I was willing to endure all the stress just to see all the soul they put into it but not for a replay or a 100% status.

A fun and cheerful game that wears its charm and happy nature on its sleeve, with its catchy music and fun characters. Gameplay wise leaves a lot to be desired for, as this game has SO many flaws and jank that can cause more frustration than fun at times. Definitely something you wanna take frequent breaks or avoid trying to 100% because hooh boy, you'll be in for a ride.

Will all that aside, this game has so much potential, and a remaster that touches up the gameplay a lot would arguably land in one of my favorites! EGG ON!

If you ever wonder why they never released an HD version of Billy Hatcher, you should probably go and replay it. I absolutely adore Sega and Sonic Team from this era but this game is just extremely unfun to play. I don't like that you have to hold eggs in order to use basically anything - there were times I'd have to kill myself because I was in an area where I needed an egg to move on but I somehow lost it one way or another.

Also find the music just really subpar, which is a big let down for a Sonic Team joint. I think this game is technically better than the much maligned Balan Wonderworld, but it's closer than you might think.

Silly, cool art style, the music and gameplay are strange but kinda cool. I played this as a little kid, then I forgot about it for decade(s), and recently tried it again on Dolphin. Not sure if I see myself ever beating this game at all.

whoever designed the dogshit camera should get his gamer license taken

This game would be slightly better if you could play as the prince from Katamari.

A bit of a mess, but it oozes charm. Takes too long to acclimate and some levels can overstay their welcome.

Imagine if someone crossed the 3d Sonic games with Banjo Kazooie (or something) and then made them suck. A dreadfully dull game that I bought because Sonic Team was behind it. I had the sinking feeling when I bought it that I was getting a stupid kids game, but I thought to myself "Sonic Team made it, it must be good." What a fool I was.

it's...fine. nothing more or less

My father won this game for me and my sister before we even owned a GameCube. And to be honest, I barely remember if I liked it or not. I suppose it’s probably just average.

Cute and charming! Design hasn't aged the best. Puzzle platformer where one mistake is very costly. Fun for a little bit but gets more and more frustrating.

A not so classic sega games that finds itself in the forgotten I.P realm. A fun playtough, and the theme song is a banger.


i LOVE shitty 3d platformers that suck and suck to control i LOVE it

O que separa Billy Hatcher de outros jogos que envolvem controlar esferas e ovos como Katamari, Super Monkey Ball e Yoshi's Island é a qualidade de seus controles. O jogo requer pulos e movimentos muitos precisos quando o rolamento do ovo é extremamente escorregadio e inconveniente para coisas simples como andar pra frente e pular. Billy não consegue fazer porra nenhuma sem o ovo dele o que é um problema quando você constantemente precisa trocar de ovos, chocá-los ou quando acaba escorregando de uma plataforma sem querer sem a chance de pegar o ovo de volta.

Como é de se esperar da Sonic Team nessa época, o jogo é extremamente alongado pela extensão artifical de seus estágios e de precisar pegar 25 emblemas para desbloquear o último estágio, e com os problemas do jogo se agravando ainda mais, eu só não desisti porque a estética visual e as músicas carregam o jogo, e ainda assim prefiro comer um ovo cru do que fazer 100% desse jogo. Posso entender do porque ele não teve uma sequência, é um jogo extremamente infantil para crianças bem gugu-dadá, e ainda com isso e mente, seria melhor dar um jogo de Sonic pra essa criança mesmo com os jogos do ouriço que saiam na época.

Recomendo jogar ouvindo o rap do ovo.

This is yet another game I rented as a kid but never ended up beating. With all of the 3D Sonic games I've played over the past year, this is a game I've had in my sights for a while. Being from the same generation as the 3D Sonics I've played, I view Billy Hatcher as very much a sister game to things like Sonic Adventure and such. Just in time for Easter, I played this over two streams (one week apart) and beat it in around eight hours, and then played a bunch more after the stream to get 53 out of 60 emblems (all I could be bothered to get XP) for a total of about 15 or so hours.

Billy Hatcher tells the story of the titular character, Billy, and his friends. They're taken by the god of chickens to Morning Land, which has fallen to the might of the crows who seek to bring eternal night to Morning Land. If that happens, then eternal night will come to all worlds, so Billy is here to save Morning Land and defeat the crows! There's a bit of exposition and such in the levels from the elders of each of the worlds you explore, but really the story is pretty unimportant and is largely just here to set up the action.

What the action is, is simultaneously one of the best mechanically conceived games Sonic Team (Japan or USA) put out that generation, but also easily its hardest. Billy gets the chicken suit in the first level, and you use it to push eggs around to pick up enough fruit to get them big enough to hatch them. The eggs you find are your gameplay lifeblood, as they augment your speed and jumping abilities as well as allow you to attack at all. You can also hatch them to get power up items or little animal companion friends (some of which are even other Sonic Team characters like Sonic or even Nights!) whom you can use for special attacks to fight the many enemies you'll encounter over the seven worlds of the game.

There are seven worlds, and they have a very Mario 64-style to how they're set up. The first mission is saving the elder of that world, and then the second is defeating the boss of the crows in that world, and the other missions in the world are either one of a set of generics ("defeat 100 enemies!") or one unique to that world. The worlds themselves don't change, but your starting location and mission objective to get the courage emblem do. Like I said, very Mario 64.

While you only NEED to beat the first two (of eight) stages in each world, you actually need 25 emblems in order to unlock world seven whose first stage hides the final boss. The game doesn't tell you that, though, and it'll be mean enough to let you FINISH level 6-3 and then just tell you you don't have enough (but not how many you actually need) and then once you have enough you gotta do that WHOLE (quite hard) stage again. It's not unforgivable, but it's a very weirdly bad piece of design considering that Mario 64 turned 9 years old the year this game game out.

The game is overall pretty darn tough, and even though you start the game with six extra lives, you can tear through them really quickly in later worlds because this game LOVES bottomless pits. It also loves pretty merciless checkpoints in its later stages too. Doing the bouncing on the eggs and dashing on the eggs across small platforms also takes a lot of getting used to, and my gosh do the last handful of stages love having you do that. The level design of the game is pretty solid, but as soon as the third world, it's very consistently unforgiving. There're also the rails your egg can ride along, which are awful in that if your egg is small, there's a good chance the egg will just bug out and pass right through the rail.

Controlling the egg itself can also be a pain, as you simply walk up to the egg to start pushing it, and then you walk away to leave the egg. The only issue is that "walking away" and "turning" are quite similar things in a 3D platformer, and there were many times when I didn't or did mean to leave an egg, but the controls conspired to make me to the opposite and I ended up dying. Given that the Z-button literally isn't used at all, a dedicated "interact" button for the eggs would've been really appreciated. Adding up all of that level design meanness, the control issues, and the bugs (which are present enough to be annoying, but not enough to kill the game overall), you will likely get quite a few game overs before you reach the end of the game's story.

As expected for a Sonic Team game, the music and presentation are pretty damn good. The game has a lot of really fun music, and all the character designs are great. Billy's friends and the boss enemies in particular are really well designed, and the boss fights too are (usually) really good fun (my personal favorite being the world 6 boss, with my least favorite being the final boss, as they do that whole "learn a whole new mechanic to beat this boss" nonsense and it makes the whole thing feel awkward and unfair). It feels weird that Billy's friends are restricted to their own special stages (rescuing each of them unlocks a 6th, 7th, and 8th mission in each world respectively) instead of just being generally selectable, given that all of them play identically, but it's not a huge horrible deal in the end.

Verdict: Recommended. Warts and all, I enjoyed my time with this game. It's definitely one of the harder 3D platformers I've played over the years, and certainly in the GameCube generation of consoles, but it's still worth checking out. If you can pick it up for a reasonable amount, or you just enjoy a challenge in your 3D platforming, this is one you will likely find worth your time.

all the comments of this being a bad game from a technical standpoint, i will ignore. even if you may be right, you still deserve to get drawn & quartered for even uttering such a sentence….