Reviews from

in the past

my beloved, beloved pets <3 ive been here since 2013 and ive literally done it all - pet collecting, trading, oekaki, adoptables, closed species, roleplaying, event grinding - i could go on. i have all of my dreamies and more C$ than i know what to do with but something still posesses me to check every day and adopt my monthly pets <3 cs is just so addicting

i will take off half a star bc the economy is so bad compared to when i joined, especially the original character adoptables. wdym youre charging 250 irl dollars for a design that took you five minutes. just bc its in a virtual currency doesnt mean i am suddenly blind and illiterate. this is a user problem and not a site problem though, the site is still good to this day!

At the beginning of every month, I still wake up thinking "oh I must get up and adopt my monthly dogs!" until I realize it is already too late to return to Chicken Smoothie. Or is it?

adopting my little jpgs every month fills me with joy to this day

I played this game back in like 2013 and I recently returned to it... somehow, it is comforting seeing that so much has stayed the same lol. It's kind of a early web relic to me despite only starting in 2008, since it has a lot of the early web sensibilities. For better or for worse it's nice seeing a relic of my childhood still existing in the state i left it in