Reviews from

in the past

The first half is largely a straight-forward comedy point and click, Monkey Island style. Not funny ha-ha, but sort of generally amusing. Even the fish people have little goofs and jokes while they're in the outer world. The second you arrive in Innsmouth, the comedy just vanishes. There's the occasional attempts at jokes, but they're bleak and grimy instead of whimsical. Just being in Innsmouth has completely changed the game's tone. And that builds up until suddenly you're encountering game overs in what was a breezy little adventure story before now. Exposition scenes are intercut across different time periods of the story, the presentation amps up to creative and fascinating directions. Its a shockingly polished production and I can't even imagine how long it took to perfect all the visual tricks it pulled off.

It is just odd to me how much these kinds of Lovecraft games uncritically just do the same plot. Its Lovecraft, I shouldn't be expecting something radically different. But I'd like to see a more fresh take on things. The fish guys are just keeping to themselves, I feel like both parties would be happier if they were just left alone to do their business.

I always find it interesting how Innsmouth adaptations also have to escalate up the stakes. Again, worshiping Cthulhu aside, the fish people generally just seem like they're keeping to themselves. But now they have to have Goals and Schemes to revive Old Gods. Need to have human sacrifices and rituals and tonight's the night the prophecy will be fulfilled. Its especially funny when placed next to a different puzzle where the fish people work on smuggling wine during the prohibition. Listen, Cthulhu may destroy the world tomorrow, but bills gotta get paid.

I guess where I landed is, I want a Shape of Water point and click.