Reviews from

in the past

Yes, it's real. And I honestly still can't believe it myself.

This game was AMAZING. It's everything I hoped it would be and more!

The game has the same vibes the first Dead Island game gave me, which made me really happy.

Though it still had some flaws that kinda made the experience a bit less fun.

Everything gameplay wise was great. Great skills, great guns, great everything!

Graphics are amazing. All the areas weren't too big and fun to explore.

The thing I just can't get over is how short the game felt to me.

And... the ending. It started great, but the ending felt lackluster to me.

Storywise I still think the first game was better. Same for sidequests.

This might be expanded on in the upcoming expansions. At least, I hope so.

Other than that, I had a great time and was very glad to dive back into the Dead Island universe.