Reviews from

in the past

So when I heard of it and randomly downloaded it just a few days ago, I didn't know what to expect and thought that this weird combination of Doraemon and Resident Evil just has to end in chaos and that it might be some weird trash game.
Surprisingly, it was actually pretty well-made.
The mapping might be lacking sometimes, but it did its job, but the puzzles themselves and the gun play really feel like something you'd expect in a Resident Evil game. I also liked that you could get different endings depending on who you save. I was even surprised, that others CAN actually die and lost the first survivor on accident, not knowing he can even die.

The English translation works well enough to understand what is happening, but is not free from mistakes. I found one message not translated at all, sometimes there were spelling mistakes like "gobernment" and the second rescue event mentioned that Nobita heard something in the "South Wing", when the person in question was actually in one of the most eastern rooms. (Which also lead to him die in my first play through, because I was looking through every room on the south side of the building)

All in all a well-made game, that is actually fun and not too long. I'm excited to see, how the second installment is like.

The original game is only okay-ish but many mods made this series much better.