Reviews from

in the past

I thought it was going to be Grand Chase in 3D and with less pay-to-win mechanics. It wa just Grand Chase in 3D. But a lot less entertaining. I'm told it got a lot better now but I'm no going to check it out.

Jokes aside, wish this game didn't turn out the way I did. I would give it 5 stars if I base it solely in my nostalgia, but it's just not worth playing these days.


Eve serving bob and robot extravaganza realness... that's a mother for sure

One of my first mmorpg, I don't think it currently lives up to its competition, but I really enjoyed playing it with a friend and it brings back good memories.

fun up until you cant fucking play anymore

Elsword é um dos jogos mais viciantes que eu joguei em toda a minha vida e ainda jogo, é um excelente MMORPG, apesar da desenvolvedora não ser das melhores e ser bem fodase para os jogadores, o jogo em si rende horas de jogo e é mais focado no Ending game, a trilha sonóra é muito boa, tem uma variedade extensa de personagens e diferenças classes e linhagens que mudam a jogabilidade, é um dos meus jogos favoritos e nem preciso falar muito sobre ele, confesso que não é um jogo perfeito, muito pelo contrário, ele tem muitos erros, e pode se tornar repetitivo, mas no geral é um bom jogo e eu sempre guardarei em meu coração, conheci essa maravilha quando eu ainda era bem pequeno lá em 2015 e meu primo jogava além de Grand Chase tambem, deixando eu jogar de vez enquando e até criando uma conta pra mim e me ajudando a upar, com o tempo fui pro Grand Chase e me afaste bastante do jogo, fui mais chegado no Grand Chase mas Depois de Enjoar de jogar os Servidores piratas do Grand Chase, Decidi dar uma chance novamente a esse jogo e não me arrependo, ambos os jogos são excelentes ( Grand Chase e Elsword ) é uma pena que ambos tem uma desenvolvedora incopetente.

God, the characters gave this game a lot of wasted potential for a really well paced story...

tbh, it was a great brain shut off game, big fan of the character designs

Lo vicié mucho, está bueno pero a veces está muerto y te da paja... además de que los balances de los pjs son medio mierda, spammers, runners, uff... está bueno para jugarlo un par de meses hasta frustrarte del modo de juego de otros (a no ser que no te aburras de levelear pjs una y otra vez y tengas gente pa' jugar)

man si que era joven cuando jugué a esto lmao

não ironicamente achei mais legal que gc mas meu tempo de jogar isso passou :/

é grand chase mais bem feito porém igualmente semi-cagado (em questão de gear)

my ex loved this game and we used to play it alot. She fucking sucks so 0/10

No matter what I do I will never forget Elsword, maybe it is due to its cool and fast paced combat, or for its cool character designs.

Despite being so unique, the game is quite unplayable and super pay to win nowadays :(

Spent several years on this game, definitely the game I played the most as a teenager. Once I reached the late-game, the game lost all the fun, to the point I only made new characters to play through the entire game just to enjoy the time I was spending playing this. The combat who was the best aspect of the game turns into skill spam and boring infinite grinding. Also, the most ridiculous thing is the unfair RNG Enhancement system, only made to the playerbase spend real money into the game just to be able to play the hardest dungeons. Leaving all these problems aside, Elesis is a cool character.

back then my tolerance for bad games was so much higher it seems

however i can't deny that the designs for some of these characters resonated so so much with me as i was growing up and i find myself thinking about them even today

eles querem tanto ser grand chase......

i played this when i was like 10 and got banned

vou ser honesta esse jogo era mais legal quando eu tinha 12 anos

It's okay. Worth trying but not much of a keeper.

I can't drop this game for some reason, i always find myself replaying it. Side-scroller rpg with emphasis on combos & pvp. lots of big dmg number bloat and filled to the brim with microtransaction cosmetics and only being able to use gear for certain amount of time for free bullshit. Character designs slap in this game but the game itself is dated as all hell. Kind of nostalgic and okay if you wanna try it out for a few hours but getting into this full time would probably suck

actual shit-tier mmorpg that i spent five years of my life on. developed stockholm syndrome over this game

was fun for a couple of weeks when i was 12 until i lost my account out of nowhere