Reviews from

in the past

Classic Final Fantasy game. Great music, silly-serious story, memorable characters, and the Moon.

The first game in the series to have the super involved story that JPRGs of its era are known for. Solid mechanics and a good world.

A very bad version of an excellent game because of the amount of bugs the NA version had back in the day.

A solid way to play the game, though it has the usual trappings of not feeling like explaining anything - this was one of the first 'proper' RPGs I played as well as my first Final Fantasy, and the obtuse nature of it meant I quickly grew fed up with running into walls.

In hindsight, it was the folly of youth that stopped me from making any progress, but now the Switch version is out, I don't see much of a reason to return to this one.


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My first mainline Final Fantasy is still my favorite 2D game in the series. The story holds up well even today, with a great balance of humor and heartbreak. The first iteration of Active Time Battle was fun and challenging, especially if playing on fast Active settings. As with every other game in the series, Nobuo Uematsu was totally in his element when putting this soundtrack together.