Reviews from

in the past

short and alright, fun to finish with a friend

It should be illegal for any demo to be this good... like if you gave me this and I didn't know Half Life I'd be like WTF WHERE CAN I BUY THE FULL GAME

Very cool demo as it has a unique scenario that got cut from the actual game. I enjoyed it but it feels more like the typical games of its era with the level design rather than Half-Life, so I see why this was cut and revised.

Played this with the 25th Anniversary Update. A good reminder when demos back then used to be this fun. Glad its finally back in the main game.

Good to have this back with the 25th anniversary of Half Life. Good demo showcasing what the game is all about.

Прикольное демо, которое добавили в обновлении на юбилей оригинальной игры.

About a chapter's worth of new content. Not amazing, but it scratches that little Half-Life itch

20 minutes worth of half-life
also finished on mmod on hard

I wish more demos were quick little vertical slices of the game like this. Neat to have Valve officially put this back into the main game.

the bad ending
7,0/10 - Length
7,0/10 - Enjoyment
6,0/10 - Story/Experience
7,0/10 - Originality
7,0/10 - Gameplay

Score = 6,8/10

A great short demo of Half Life.