Reviews from

in the past

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Rivalry between two skilled individuals who are dead set on killing one another yet seem to be evenly matched, though only one can come out on top in the end. You should already know this stuff from the synopsis so I'm not going to get too much into the plot of the story and instead focus on the main appeal of the game (to me personally at least)

If you can look past certain questionable scenes from the beginning of the game, it's a really insightful visual novel to people who are interested in studying the blade / are seeking to better themselves by learning the way of the sword and who aren't afraid of reading over 20 Wikipedia pages regarding the plethora of infodumps it throws at the reader.

From basic swordfighting attack exposure principles (martial arts terminology) of sen-no-sen, sen-no-go and sensen-no-sen to the history of the various different dojos known for having practitioners of different techniques from different times to name a few of my favourite infodumps, give the reader a chance to focus on the fights alone and fully comprehend the level of skill some of the characters in the story posses.

Will probably revise this review once muramasa drops but for now that's all I have for you today.

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa preworkout // end

Where dwells the wind that scatters the flowers?

A love letter to swordsmanship with an absolute banger of a soundtrack and an ending scene that I'll probably never forget.

Nicit really does not have most of the things i love about muramasa, but its really well done, even if it didnt stick to me personally, and i didnt really like the final fight compared to the others, the ost reminds me of fatal fury, also kaigen represents my soul

Very fun read all in all though the overwhelming swords info dumps and ridiculous endings left a sour taste in my mouth. Definitely hyped me more for my incoming Muramasa (re)read.




Narahara Ittetsu's superior work.

A damn shame he will never reach this peak again.

Great revenge story with an amazing soundtrack (made by the same studio that made Saya no Uta's), the extensive descriptions of swordmanship in the middle of fights and the actions and attitude of the Protagonist can be very divisive. Also this is an eroge technically so it has h-scenes (one very early on). Just keep in mind that this is a dark tale that has no problem showing bad characters doing very bad things. But all in all a nice 7 hour-ish experience that entertains all the way through with a great depiction of obssesion and truly living for and by the blade. this song from the ost makes me bust