Reviews from

in the past

Another game my dad got me. I remember being so absorbed in the world and finding the combat fun, but I don't think I ever actually finished it.

Esse jogo chega a ser engraçado de tão RUIM.

A história é horrível e nada cativante, os vilões são uma completa desgraça de ruins, os diálogos e cutscenes são completamente vergonhosos.

A gameplay é minimamente decente tirando o parry horrível, a maneira horrenda de defender ataques e os ataques à distância com o six axis.

As bossfights desse jogo são tediosas, elas são sempre uma rotação entre defender ataques a distância e dar chip damage com ataques corpo a corpo, isso limita os combos desse jogo que são bons porque o boss sempre defende depois de 2 ataques.

Os únicos motivos pra se jogar esse jogo é pelo VA do Andy Serkis que faz um vilão bem nós. E os diálogos engraçadíssimos entre a protagonista e os vilões, não duvido nada que o roteiro desse jogo foi escrito por uma garotinha de 11 anos fanfiqueira, porque sinceramente é bem isso que parece.

Enfim 4/10.

Pretty decent hack and slash that lacks a lot of polish in every aspect outside of the acting. The concept behind the combat is actually really amazing and fun at times but it gets progressively ruined by enemies that just block every attack you throw out. The story is decent but really goofy at the same time. My major complaint is that they try to tell us that the blade used is cursed but nothing bad really happens with sword until like the end of the game and it feels like there was legitimately no negative effects of using the sword.

TLDR its a game that can be fun with its gameplay but its lack of polish makes you feel like it needed a sequel to be amazing

I saw all the bad reviews of this game, and for the first Chapter or so, I thought I was weird for enjoying myself. The visuals were nice, the combat was fun, and the world/story seemed interesting!

Then I kept playing.

This game is so incredibly sub par in every way. The combat is satisfying at first, but the enemy variety, and repetitive level design makes it boring and annoying after the initial few chapters.

The voice acting and writing is awful, and cringe inducing, with the notable exception being Andy Serkis, who does a great job playing the villain.

The cutscenes themselves were fine, though the game too often would throw poorly telegraphed quick-time events, which would make trying to relax and enjoy the cutscenes impossible. The margin for error was slim too, which was especially frustrating for every single boss fight that had to end in that way.

Don’t even get me started on the “puzzles”. Throwing objects with poorly thought out and annoying to control motion sensors were some of the most frustrating parts of the whole experience. Even when I turned the motion controls off to control projectiles with the analogue sticks, it just slowed down gameplay for an already tedious game.

The last chapter however, was very fun. The final battles felt huge, and even with a choppy frame rate and some minor design annoyances, the entire chapter was a solid end to the prior levels. The final boss fight I found very satisfying to learn the patterns and timings of - though the aforementioned quick time events certainly ruined a lot of the fun I was having, even here.

I fear a lot of these issues are just due to this game ageing poorly - but all in all, I won’t be touching this one again.

Masterclass voice acting for 2007, great soundtrack, good facial animations and good graphics for the time. Everything else was eh.

Really wished they tried a sequel.

Fun story and great voice acting. The combat is fun when playing Nariko but the aiming parts with motion controls are rough. Not a long game as well. Overall recommend the game to play.

Pretty basic and usually jank but I enjoyed some of the boss fights and the cutscenes are surprisingly great. Andy Serkis 4 lyfe.

I think it's a good game but I had to stop playing because my aim sucks so I couldn't get past the sniping stages. I personally would have preferred to play as Nariko the whole game because I liked her mechanics.

You can toss people in this game in slow motion, and then the enemies ragdoll, so that's kinda funny and neat I think.

You fight too!

5/10 One of the prettiest tech demos for the PS3.

I played this for the first time this year, and it's a hard game to judge without playing it back then. I can tell that the animations and visuals must have been great, it's still impressive to watch some of the cutscenes, and there are some massive scenes with hundreds of NPCs on screen, something we rarely see even today.

But these things won't carry the game in 2023. The controls are not as responsive as I would like, and the PS3 controller is not as good as modern controllers, the game can feel like walking underwater.

The game wants you to counter a lot with its 3-style combat system. But the slightly sluggish controls made me abandon that and I ended up button-mashing my way through the game.

I found the campaign to be too obsessed with large encounters, I wish I could run around and bump into one or two enemies, practicing my countering and combat styles, but it's structured in a way where you walk into an area and get swarmed most of the time.

There is also a good deal of motion sensor gimmick fights, where you tilt your controller trying to guide projectiles around. I'm not sure how people like these parts, but I actually liked these sections a lot.

And lastly, the characters in this game are so odd, Nariko the main protagonist is fine, even if she looks like a supermodel from another world compared to the other characters, but the enemies are so weird it's hard to describe it. They remind me of a Monthy Python sketch or a rude and crude version of Benny Hill. You really have to see it to believe it.

It's a rough but fascinating early PS3 game.

quando era criança morri sempre no mm boss