Reviews from

in the past

Lord of the super great wall of hitler

Novelty game... but it sure as hell is better than whatever the fuck the Doodle God team has been been putting out for the past decade (although that's saying hardly anything).

If you set your goal on making X thing, it's fun for a few hours as you slowly build up fundamentals, which in this are things like numbers and generic media terms like "movie" and "game". Along the way you're pretty much guaranteed to stumble into some stupid and/or funny word combinations which are definitely sold by the tagged emojis, which keeps things interesting enough. You eventually build up enough though that a lot of combinations are trivial if you have a decent memory of what you've made so far (at least good enough to search things up), and the game very quickly loses its luster and gets kinda boring. Which is completely fine given it's a free website on the internet.

Crafted yaoi, yuri and yaoi yuri, my job here is done.

Also, an okayish time killer, it's entertaining at least. Most of the combinations are pretty much non-sensical tho.

The ultimate final form of Doodle God/Little Alchemy-like games. Graphically barebones but just as addictive as its inspirations. In fact, having every combo be "progression" made this a much, much more addictive experience than any Doodle God-like game I've ever played.

vi uma review sobre decide jogar e fiquei viciado , esse jogo é realmente viciante ótimo pra mata o tédio

stanley liked pushing buttons

Its a really good "idk I have ADHD so I need something to do while watching a tv show or watching youtube" game is a great developer

It’s one of the best novelty games I’ve ever seen

WARNING: Do NOT fuse the obamalamadingdong with gogeta.

Also I fused "Broken controller" with "Steam" and it gave me a Steam Controller.

kind of political (left-wing of course) and dumb in some results, also lacks of organization once you get many crafts. But still clever than its predecessor

it was a fun little timewaster for 30 minutes

There are worse ways to waste an afternoon, but this word association toy wears out its novelty quickly.

i was the first in the world to discover "the art of evangelion", "sailor mega buddha shark", and "super cthulu 173"

It's a fun timewaster, but some of the recipes doesn't make sense sometimes

Reminds me of Doodle God, flash game i played as a kid.
If you have a goal to craft something specific, reaching to this thing can be interesting and also it's a nice game for killing time on phone or on work PC (breaks are important), but it's not something to play for many hours.

Ideia interessante pra cacete
É aquele Doodle God só que mais simples e rápido

My main objective was to make all Harry Potter books' title, I got it with my friends after playing for over 4 hours.

A surprisingly addictive game about crafting whatever you want.

This is one use of AI I can get behind!

Entretenidillo, sin más. Muy esquizofrénico hay que estar para jugar a esto de continuo.