Reviews from

in the past

Weird, kinda cool adventure-lite game where you walk around an abandoned power plant taking pictures of dilapidated infrastructure. It's pretty cool if you're into poking around old buildings. There's some lite mystery/horror stuff going on in it too, I think. Never got far enough to know how good the story gets.

um jogo massivo, cheio de coisas pra explorar e sentir. ele traz uma sensação constante de que você bugou e agora tá em uma área vazia que não era pra você estar. eu, apaixonada pelos gráficos de half life 2 e portal, me deleitei nessa jogatina cheia de indução de nostalgia pelas paisagens.

por mais que seja extremamente longo e cansativo e pedante e a historia seja beeeem ok mas soe muito que tá ali só pra ter algo, eu não me arrependi de ter jogado em nenhum momento! a gameplay é boa e os puzzles são legais e inteligentezinhos e é muito divertido o sistema de fotos :)

talvez eu até rejogue depois, achei muito interessante!

This is the "Indiana Jones" of Civil Engineering. I just imagine the main character saying "It belongs in an OSHA review board!"

I think this deserves a port to modern consoles more than any other game. I don't know why but walking around in this game, looking at the scenery, it just puts me in a mood. Fucking love this fucking thing yeahhhhhh.

One of my all-time favs. INFRA is an unusual and engrossing adventure in which you play as a structural engineer investigating seedy goings-on, solving problems and exploring derelict environments as you unravel a tasty conspiracy. Highly recommended.

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great game with wonderful environments. pushes source 1 to a cutting edge in terms of mapping. unfortunately the puzzles are not very good

the most finnish eurojank source adventure game i think i've ever played (positive). even if the puzzles feel like kind of a slog at times, and the battery drain mechanic is kind of just an annoyance (luckily, you can edit the configs to decrease the rate that it drains, or just turn it off completely), every environment has an endless amount of care put into it and the photography helps to incentivize you to explore every little crevice you can, find every document and easter egg.

i do wish it was made a bit more obvious at times which path leads you to the next area and which is optional, because there are multiple times where i'll walk into a hallway thinking it's more map only to be met with a level transition. still, i'll definitely replay this at some point, maybe check out the surprising wealth of fan-mods too. i like this game quite a bit, even through the tedium.