Reviews from

in the past

There is potential for a great multiplayer experience, but the main campaign is nothing special, online is only ranked, and the battles range from great variety/depth to shallow at best.

very cute game which shows promise for kirby's inevitable jump to 3D but holy fuck what were they thinking making this 40 dollars on release
at most this is a 20 dollar experience

It's like a Kirby version of Mario Party. It also has actual dialogue for all the main cast including a spotlight on Bandana Dee so if you like him, this is your game. The minigames are all mostly serviceable except Flagball which should be its own game cause its rad as hell

Apes of Wrath from Mario Party 7 as a full retail game???

Guys... my cake ELO went 10 stars down... the beetle meta is in shambles

Got a bit old but still good 👍

Cute! The actual mini-games themselves are a mixed bag - I think Apple Scramble, Crazy Theater, and Ore Express are the only really strong ones, with everything else being a'ight or not-so-good. But I like some of the ability explorations, and I REALLY like the story mode - one of those rare times we've gotten to see the series' core quartet play off each other. This is the game that finally sold me on Bandee as a character - just a modest li'l dude who wants to be friends with everyone, even if that means he's sometimes forced to choose between his Great King and his Best Friend. Plus, weirdly, the Twitter-exclusive Channel PPP Crew has finally been canonized. And Axe Knight gets a cameo again! Maybe not a great solo venture, but a rewarding li'l story as a Kirby fan.

Both the game concept and story mode are suprisingly good for such a minor title. It's a joy to play from time to time, but I'm afraid that's about it, as it gets old pretty fast.

Made it past the intro stage, but never progressed beyond that; not for any particular reason, I guess I just got caught up with different games at the time. On account of no longer having my 3DS, I will not be returning to this game.

rinha de bola, infelizmente é enjoativo

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they made a perfectly good reason for why there were multiple kirbys and then they IMMEDIATELY ruined it

I am way too soft on anything with Kirby

Kirby Battle Royale has great potential that turned out to be a laboratory for future kirby 3D games it even looks like a kind of RPG but it's just a Party game with few variations it had a lot of lost potential it has around 10 mini games with time and it alternates between greater difficulties as the levels go by, it has a story with a good sense of humor and a cake as a reward for the winner and of course this is already the reason for Kirby to go to this tournament, the soundtrack is always based on the main theme where it changes several times sometimes her style, it has clothes that make references to other characters from the Kirby series but it's just cosmetic and a fanservice for the fans, the online mode was stillborn unfortunately so yes... if you want to do it 100% you will have to suffer in single mode player to accumulate coins, Battle Royale will be remembered in a few years or maybe not and will just be forgotten in time, if this game had more than 50 game modes I would certainly have even more fun! and by far it was the most difficult Kirby to do 100% because it is massive and accumulating coins is not easy.

Coisa mais divertida fofa linda q eu já joguei

The box art is the best thing about this one but I still kinda like it.

Me lo pase en una puta noche xd

this game gave sleep a moveset

argument terminated