Reviews from

in the past

A wonderful blend of colorful minimalist levels with a surreal and mysterious vibe that create a unique experience. You progress through the levels by altering your surrounding structures and environments in clever ways, creating visual illusions that are very entertaining.

The puzzles themselves are not very hard but make up for an enjoyable short but sweet experience on mobile.

Apartando de que la última fase estuvo muy difícil y me dio quebraderos de cabeza, la verdad es que me ha gustado muchísimo el juego, ya que es un juego con un estilo muy simple, pero bonito y enternecedor, además de que tiene también una música ambiental preciosa y juega de manera genial con la perspectiva.

Un juegazo que, si os gustan los juegos de puzzles, no os debéis perder.

Fun, light perspective puzzles.

+ Forgotten Shores
+ Ida's Dream

As this game is short but incredibly sweet, I'll keep my review for Monument Valley that way as well.

Monument Valley combines excellent geometric puzzles, mobile-friendly controls and serene visual and sound design to create a piece of art that will stand the test of time.

Not too long, easily digestible with unique puzzles, and minimalism storytelling is done well. Good stuff all around.

Juego de puzzles bastantes cortito en el que la geometría y las perspectivas juegan un papel importante. En cuestión de historia pues como tal no hay una, así que solo es cosa de preocuparse por resolver el reto que nos presenta el nivel y pasar al siguiente.

Realmente disfrute de Monument Valley, para ser un juego de celular está bastante bien. Creo que también tengo la secuela así que estaría bien darle un vistazo.

i think this was more fun when i was a kid but it's still a good and beautiful game

Gorgeous puzzle game. Love the mind-bending perspective stuff.

So beautiful. As a game it’s good, but as an experience, it’s wonderful.

Biting the bullet and accepting that phone apps can, in fact, be video games. Heaven help me! This was a cute little puzzle game based on M.C. Escher optical illusions in an isometric grid. I tacked on the charity level and DLC for completeness because why not? Cheap, quick, easy, delightful. There's nothing not to love here, even seven years later.

A nice-looking, fun toy. Very short and easy. Could have done without the minimal but nevertheless very tryhard 'story'.

my nostalgia wont let me rate it any lower

played this game years ago and from what i remember its really good
it lead me into this sort of rabbit hole of games that play with perspective and that was fun for a bit
ran out of games eventually tho
the sequel wasnt out on android yet though so i had to wait and by the time it did come out i had already forgot about it so i still havent played that one
but still really good game, maybe a little short

This game is bursting with colorful, inventive geometry that makes for curious puzzle boxes that shift and metamorphose. It’s one of those games that really takes advantage of its platform. Every screen is made to be played in the palm of a player’s hand, with animations that make use of the vertical screen to progressively unfold levels and their puzzles. The puzzles themselves are solid, but don’t require too much brain twisting. It’s on the short side, but that fits, too.

Creative and visually nice, made me think sometimes to solve the puzzles

Nice puzzle game with good atmosphere. It's crazy to think this was a mobile game originally. There was never too much challenge, but just enough to keep me engaged.

zerei na escola, valeu por emprestar o celular e deixar eu baixar happy mod cara aleatório

genuinely the best mobile game ever made

Solid puzzle game for sitting on the toilet

Apesar da bela direção de arte, e do gameplay pautado em ilusões de perspectiva, o fluxo do jogo é bastante monótono, sem muita dificuldade. Pra mim foi bastante sacal passar por níveis e níveis sem muita dificuldade, apenas admirando a criatividade dos cenários.

Nice puzzles with creative mechanics.

very cute, peaceful, simple but very short puzzle game. definitely worth checking it out.

this is the best mobile game and it's not even close

This was always a fun game to play while browsing new phones or tablets at Best Buy. Great puzzle game if you're into those.

Arresting visuals, a simple yet effective plot, and some mind-bending puzzles.

I so wanted to love this game, and did love the visual style, but the puzzles are painfully easy. There is a constant weight of lost potential as each level returns to the same kinds of choices instead of ever finding new ways to utilize the space and shapes beyond the initial pitch of the game.

these games were so cool and for what