Reviews from

in the past

Fairly decent compilation of typical NeoGeo games. Metal Slug, King of Fighters, Turf Masters and Match of the Millennium all feature among others, and I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed.

Metal Slug is Metal Slug, you know what you're getting. Decent enough run and gun fun. Turf Masters is pretty fun with a bit of a learning curve but overall a decent enough golf game for a handheld of this era. The fighting games here outweigh everything else, surprise surprise. The King of Fighters game is pretty fun as is the gal fighters or whatever it's called. The main draw is Match of the Millennium. A pocket sized Capcom Vs SNK with a decent roster of fighters. I had a lot of fun playing this. Until I got to the final boss however. Spams the fuck out of you and boils your piss. Extremely aggravating, especially when their special takes off the majority of your life bar. But at least it's fun leading up to that part. I quite enjoyed the team up of fighting Geese and Bison, as well as a rematch with three other opponents but only one health bar.

Overall the compilation is pretty good, especially if you pick it up for cheap. I just wish there was a few extras other than the manuals etc. I would probably pick it up if we get a volume 2, as this is nice to dip in and out of from time to time, and I hope to see a few more titles hit the Switch.