Reviews from

in the past

Cool enhanced PC port of a classic DS multiplayer mainstay, a staple of Download Play which is a relic of a time when Nintendo once gave a shit about not just the console owner experience would be like but their friends or strangers' experiences. This lovely little project adds a built-in server browser, color palette options, new levels and a surprisingly 0 input lag online multiplayer experience (at the cost of visuals being somewhat out of sync)

I think it's fitting that a user called "ipodtouch0218" is the creator/host for it, it's very of the era with the kind of hardcore fans I associate with this game. Thank you, ipodtouch0218, for letting me relive a core memory.

Almost gets a perfect rating through its sheer existence, New Super Mario Bros. is still peak multiplayer Mario to this day and the amount of improvements in the remake (10-player online, new stages + items + music, unique color palettes and rule customization options etc.) is frankly ludicrous!

The only thing really holding it back is that the move to online means interactions can get pretty jank, in both good and bad ways. Otherwise, it's an incredible revival of an underloved side mode and one of my new favorite multiplayer experiences in recent memory.

fortress is quite possibly the singular worst map in any multiplayer game ever made, like holy fucking SHIT what were they thinking when they designed that level

other then that level and the online being a bit jank at time, this is honestly the most fun ive had with a multiplayer game in a while

A friend showed me this exists and we played it a couple of times. Connected my pro controller and destroyed the competition in most games.

A lot of fun just for how chaotic it is, even if you don't play Mario a lot.

one of the most batshit insane and crazy multiplayer games ive played in some time, it had me screaming in both agony and happiness seriously playing this with 9 other people is actually insane and a lot of fun i really like it

fuck fortress tho holy shit its impossible to win on that map every fucking game on that stage will be a draw every single time dont pick it

one of the best multiplayer modes period made better

Italian people when you tell them there will be Blue Shells and Mega Mushrooms at the function:

This adds so much new stuff to the mode from the original NSMB while remaining extremely faithful to it. Every aspect - the UI, the level appearances, the sound effects - they're all on point. Up to eight players is an especially welcome addition, alongside the powerups from newer Mario games such as the propellor suit. You can pretty easily avoid all the new stuff too if you just want a full-on trip down memory lane.

If you played the original game, absolutely play this.

one of humanity's greatest achievements. if it ever gets taken down i will fully unleash my wrath upon this planet by committing unspeakable acts of terror

ReyGitano eres la mayor escoria que he conocido

Faithful to the original NSMB Versus mode while also adding new maps and music that feel right at home. Really fun with friends, but can be pretty jank at times with hitboxes

this is super fun! force ur friends to play this, it runs on anything. the added levels, powerups and costumes are super dope too

Incredible, took the best part from the best new soup game, added more, and made it online

God bless whoever made this.

Fun but too many noobs and sweaty zoomers play it. It gets repetitive quick and it's not as fun as playing it in person with someone on NDS. If it had custom maps I'd give it a higher rating.

which i could have friends as good as me