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Imagine if Tears of the Kingdom ended with, “You won your battle with Ganon. But 3 out of 4 teens who have depression do not win their battle”.

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This is an Arthouse game done badly. The Story is that 4 teens have been kidnapped and they are put into a challenge of minigames to the exit, but only 1 of them could get out, well the other 3 will be trapped there forever, this story doesn't work as a normal game since there are huge problems like, if the man kidnapped them to get them off smoking, why would a former contestant want to do this to other people, if he can rebuild all this sine there's nothing left over from the last game, or the puzzles wouldn't be reset, why didn't he just escape, how could he have kidnapped these people, if he's a former contestant who's trapped and he's getting people off smoking, then that means even if you stay trapped there, that doesn't mean that they will continue smoking, also minigames don't guarantee that the one who will quit smoking will leave, and just they stay trapped here that doesn't mean they will suffer the effects of smoking, not everyone that smokes gets it, and if the cigarettes in the room will give the loser more effects then they could just put them out, This Story fails as a Saw like experience which is should be if that's what it's going for. The Graphics are cheap, they don't feel like any effort was made into them. The Gameplay has you just run around following a red coded path to get out, and completing easy to solve puzzles, especially since the library puzzle can be beaten by just climbing over the bookcases, a choose 1 of 4 tunnels where the answer is just KEEP ON following the red tube, and a game where you just find the red tube connects to the left and right switches, and they will give you a flashlight, they suck. The Arthouse also fails since the message is revealed at the end instead of having creative ways to express something subtly, and also the challenges have nothing to do with smoking so, this isn't a good representation of the struggles of trying to quit smoking, and also fails as a normal game as well since they also prove that the one who gets out isn't guaranteed to be the one that quits, this system destroys both kinds of game normal + Arthouse. Music isn't bad though; it can make the atmosphere more tense, especially just before the ending. Sounds suck though, everything either feels cheap or so cheap they don't even sound like what they should. One Leaves is an example is the history of gaming about how NOT to do an Arthouse game.

A total hunking turd of a game. So bad, Backloggd doesn't have all the information on it.

Essentially, One Leaves is a shitty anti-smoking PSA masquerading as a horror/puzzle game; it's as stupid and awful as it sounds.

I have absolutely no clue how or when this showed up in my Xbox library. But one star for how hard I laughed once I realized the game's angle and read its ending message.

unironically a game about anti smoking I 100% achievemented LMFAOO ☠☠☠☠

i only give it 2 stars for the 1k points i got for the gamerscore microsoft rewards challenge. its fucking awful otherwise.

Game muito ruim, mas que vale a pena para caçadores de recompensas

i remember installing this years ago excited for a new ftp horror game only to be hit with a ad about not smoking. never again

gostei de fazer o 1000g só, o jogo é bem brisado, da até um medo em algumas partes. Gamer Tag (nome no xbox): xTiuJow557