Reviews from

in the past

I played this game many years ago on my cel when I was going through a very rough patch in my life. I had no PC and no consoles, so a game that could keep my mind off of things while life kicked the crap out of me, was definitely something to be thankful for.

Bias aside, the game itself is actually quite nice! The difficulty can get to be quite overwhelming in later levels, but it has a very well paced progression system and upgrades. Would def play again.

Really boring tbh. While I liked the visuals, I wasn't a fan of how grindy it was.

I’ve always enjoyed the shmup game genre (despite being atrocious at them), and Sky Force Anniversary has been one I return to over and over again since its addition to the PS+ collection way back in October 2017. It does a great job of recapturing the joy and obsession of playing classic shmups like Capcom’s 19XX series with the benefit of not having to blow a roll of quarters just to reach the end of the campaign.

Much like the greats of its genre, Sky Force Anniversary is a wildly colorful and chaotic test of reflexes and memorization — especially in its later levels and at higher difficulties. Its controls feel tight and enemy waves of attacks are plentiful and aggressive without feeling impossible. I never feel like I’ve lost a level because of anything other than a mistake I made. The game strikes a balance between risk and reward by challenging you to maintain kill streaks, grab powerups, and complete optional objectives that you may balk at the first time you play a level but will undoubtedly feel the itch to try after you down the level’s boss the first time.

Other than its gameplay, Sky Force Anniversary isn’t especially compelling. The sound design evokes classic arcade games of its ilk, but the music doesn’t standout at any point. The game was originally a mobile experience, and it looks like one — albeit one with a decent graphical refresh. And there’s essentially no narrative though that’s not uncommon with this genre.

As stated up top, Sky Force Anniversary was a PS+ game more than 4 years ago. If you’ve had a PS+ subscription since then and, like me, compulsively add every free game to your library, SFA is definitely worth your time. Doubly so if you’re at all fond of shmups.

What I like about Sky Force Anniversary
• The layers of replayability built into the game make for a satisfying loop. From in-level incentives, like learning enemy and collectible patterns, to growth that carries through the campaign, like upgrading your ship, there’s always a sense of progression.
• If you have a Vita, Sky Force is a perfect portable game. It’s a very easy game to pick up for short bursts. Levels take about 5–10 minutes to complete, and progression feels better when chipped away at rather than taken on in lengthy gameplay sessions.
• The sound design really plays on my nostalgia for the days of playing shmups at the arcade. Especially satisfying are the “pew”s and “KA-Chooom”s of the weapons and the progressively grander announcements of “NICE” and “WONDERFUL” as your streak grows.

Why you might want to skip Sky Force Anniversary
• Sky Force is a simple, dumb-fun game. There’s basically no story and its graphics are good but not great. If a game primarily focused on gameplay doesn’t appeal to you, you may not be satisfied with Sky Force.

Dobry shoot 'em up wygrzebany z kupki starych gier dodawanych kiedyś do plusa. Wciągający, z bardzo ładną oprawą (wszelkie efekty wybuchów, laserów itd wyglądają pięknie do dziś) i fajnie do mnie dopasowanym poziomem trudności (a przykładowo ostatnio przeze mnie sprawdzane z tego gatunku Sine Mora Ex było irytująco za trudne). Jedynym dużym minusem tej gry jest to, że jest dość krótka i z tego powodu twórcy wymuszają na graczu ogromny grind, wielokrotne powtarzanie raz już skończonego poziomu z dodatkowym utrudnieniem aby odblokować kolejny to tutaj chleb powszedni. Co w małych dawkach byłoby jeszcze ok, ale na taką skalę jak tutaj jest zdecydowaną przesadą.
No i przez parę godzin próbowałem grać w tę grę na PS Vicie, ale przez spadki klatek musiałem wrócić do PS4. :(

Shoot 'em up bastante inspirado no clássico 1942. Tem bons visuais, apesar da pouca variedade, nas suas 9 fases. O pior aspecto do jogo é seu grind excessivo para obter recursos, seja para melhorar sua nave, seja para prosseguir no jogo. Ter que repetir uma mesma fase várias vezes para desbloquear a próxima é bem cansativo, sem essa trava o jogo poderia ter um ritmo mais agradável.

Addicting shmup. Just a grindy game.

The visuals are nice, but it got boring very quickly

A fun bullet-hell shooter that was a blast to play co-op. My wife still asks me to play this game, lovingly referring to it as the "plane game".