Reviews from

in the past

A bit too difficult, and in order to see the 'true ending' you must beat the game in hard difficulty. A hard pass.

[played on Super Game Boy 2 via the FXPAK Pro]

Ever since 2023, I've made it a personal goal to try and get through every single game based on Tiny Toon Adventures. So far I've done the three NES games, the two Mega Drive games, the two SNES games and the first Game Boy game, Babs' Big Break. They've all been really solid times, capturing the show's charm very well whilst still being enjoyable even if you've got no attachment to the characters. And fortunately, Montana's Movie Madness continues that tradition!

To start off with the gameplay, it's the usual platformer fare for the most part. You play as Buster Bunny, who can jump on enemies, kick them to stun them and do a dash move by holding Down and pressing Left or Right. It reminded me of the dash from the SNES platformer Buster Busts Loose, although this game doesn't get as much mileage out of it. Regardless, Buster's kit is used pretty effectively throughout, although the kick feels rather pointless aside from the few times you need to attack smaller enemies in the air.

In terms of presentation, the game does pick up a bit. Each of the stage themes remixes that signature intro theme of the cartoon to fit the setting, and while it does seem like the kind of thing that'd get annoying, it never does! Each level theme feels pretty unique and distinct, taking a specific part of the intro and using that instead of the whole thing (my personal favourite might be Stage 3's, it almost sounds like something that could be in a Mega Man game). The graphics are also really nice, with decently detailed sprites that are all pretty on-model and look great for a 1993 Game Boy game.

When it comes to capturing the show's charm and utilizing the cast, I think it's alright. Aside from Buster and Montana Max, most of the toons don't really show up outside of cutscenes and various bonus games, which is a bit of a letdown since Babs' Big Break (the first Game Boy platformer) used everyone really well. Although I will say, the whole concept of Montana Max opening a movie theatre that only shows films starring himself feels very on-brand, and like something he'd actually do in the show.

While it's not much to write home about, I still think Tiny Toons: Montana's Movie Madness is a decent little Game Boy title! It's incredibly short and isn't terribly remarkable, but still has some charm and is yet another good game in a series that got way more than anyone probably expected.

Even with their weaker Tiny Toons games, Konami really handled this franchise well!

About as good as the first Game Boy title, with serviceable platforming and decent visuals, but annoying levels of difficulty.