Reviews from

in the past

I'm a sucker for Werewolves so I thought HMMM Maybe this could be a fun game, and after I finished it.............EAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, it's not god awful but it's not all that good either.

The story sucks, the characters are bland and unmemorable, and the models look fuck ugly.
The only saving grace game gave to me was the combat.
I'm not gonna say that it's better than God of War, but it's very 2009 and 2000's hack and slashes are my fucking jam. While the combat did get repetitive near the last level I still enjoyed the game overall.

I can't say I didn't have an awful time with this game but I'll probably forget this game even came out in like 3 months.

Gameplay is fine at best, terrible on all other accounts.

This game is fun I wish it was more fleshed out tho cause it has a lot more potential the combat needs a touch up and look the story well anything would be better

Story wasn't anything special. Visually it was like an very early PS4 game and the combat was very repetitive. For a trophy hunter though it was perfect. Very quick and easy Platinum. A lot of story related trophies that can't be missed (will need to do a back up save for a very quick alternate ending). Combat related trophies can almost all be done by the end of the second mission and I'd suggest guide for the collectables because if you miss one you'll have to play the whole game again. So over all, if you are a trophy/achievement it's great. If not, then I'd avoid it.

This is one of those games where you can see a lot of potential in its gameplay and ideas, but feels severely undercooked. While it draws upon its source [Werewolf: The Apocalypse] enough to be recognizable, it often feels like it could lean into it more both in plot as well as in mechanics. Even beyond just being a WtA game, other attributes such as the combat, characters, how it executes its theming, as well as its flimsy execution of player choice actually affecting anything. There's enough here in where I may return to it, but overall would only recommend if part of a subscription you have or if on a steep sale.

Genuinely had to google if this was just a quick remaster of a ps3 game, the combat is flat, lifeless and simplistic, the stealth is unimaginative and boring, the characters are cardboard cutouts from action movie posters and the story is sleep-inducing.

Difficulty: 3/10
My time: 12 hours
Platinum N°: 147

Looking for something to play, I came across Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood on PS Plus Extra, unfortunately, the game falls short in several aspects such as the visual theme.

The faces are awful, the scenarios are similar and monotonous, and the cinematics look strange, as if the compression didn't turn out well. The story has interesting touches but is overshadowed by the poor presentation. The gameplay, on the other hand, is acceptable, it's fun to destroy enemies as a Werewolf, but sadly it becomes very old very quickly.

The path to the platinum trophy consists of finding all the Spirits (collectibles), reading 30 documents (collectibles), getting both endings, completing 1 level without killing any civilians, winning a fight with 5% energy, among others.

Honestly, I don't recommend this title unless you want a relatively short platinum to earn

This game totally sucks with it's repetitive combat, bad visuals, horrendous animation, and lackluster story. However, I got to be a werewolf so I still enjoyed playing it lol