Reviews from

in the past

Man. This had promise. But it was just so crammed with shit.

They should have just focused on either the Old Gods or the Fourth War. Not both!

Shit story, horrible dungeons. Even the raids were lackluster. Ny'alotha was fucking horrid and is hands down the worst raid in Warcraft along with N'Zoth was the worst boss EVER!

This is definitely where the Activision Era kicked in and Blizzard just became a shell of its former self. The worst expansion by far. Even Shadowlands is more decent than this shit.

Kul Tiras and Zandalar are banger zones though.

A hot mess, but enjoyable if you ignored everything outside the context of the game and just played your way.

This is an expansion that really dropped the ball imo. Borrowed power systems came to be hated because of this cause back in legion they were new and fresh. The heart of azeroth sucked, azerite gear SUCKED, the story (mostly) sucked though I did enjoy the saurfang plot a lot. PvP gearing was ATTROCIOUS like whos idea was it to remove vendors srsly?? Most of the zones I wasnt a huge fan of other than Drustvar, loved that place. Even warfronts were a letdown with the exception of cool mogs and mounts to farm. Honestly the most fun I had in this xpac was corruptions in 8.3, the overpowered mess that patch was was lowkey a blast, especially in arena. The dungeons were pretty g too not gonna lie. Except underrot, fuck that place.

Old reliable; a nice distraction, but nothing revolutionary.

An interesting expansion.
A bit generic.

from there onward game snowballs to be worse and worse

Sylvanas Windrunner’s character evolution is quite the spectacle. Fifteen years of tragic character development and deep motivations in the mind of a sinister general capable of planning some of the most heinous acts of indecency in war. Then tossed out for three years’ worth of female empowerment. The Banshee Queen has been uplifted from a background plotter who worked her way around the eyes of those who held her back to maneuver herself into a position favorable to her people, in to the Warchief of the Horde she has historically cared little for. Kind of. She still puts her people, the undead citizens of Lordaeron, above the other races. Except when she doesn’t.

Look, Sylvanas’ character development could go either way. It wouldn’t be crazy to say she’s a maniac who wants nothing more than to blight the world, and ensure her people’s survival. At the same time, it’s not impossible that she could have a change of heart and learn what the Horde symbolizes in Warcraft. But Blizzard just doesn’t seem to fucking know what they want to do with her, and give off some of the most whack mixed messages I’ve ever seen. And unfortunately, being a hot, undead, Elven dominatrix means she can get away with just about anything because of the inevitable legion of fanboys she’s got. Thankfully, even the fanbase seems to be waking up to her, and when your playerbase is autistic enough to actually protest her in-game so much that you’ve got to give them the opportunity to betray her, it should be a sign that maybe you’ve gone just a bit off the deep-end with this character.

The Horde war campaign was absolutely fantastic. I love the Zandalari Trolls. Even if the Kul Tirans are mid, Boralus is beautiful. Overall it's nowhere near as bad as people act like it is.

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