Reviews from

in the past

This is one of the best zombie shooters you're likely to play, with oceanic hordes surpassing even those seen in Days Gone. Its only real problem is that the single player "campaign" is just the coop mode with barebones bots: it's still fun but had they put a little more effort into it, came up with a proper story and implemented some basic squad commands this could have been a classic.

As it is it's still easy to recommend to just about anyone who likes to shoot zombies.

Very fun game to playthrough and it's extra modes keep it from being too short. However the main game was kind of short and I wasn't buying dlc. Otherwise really captures the hoards of zombies you would see in the movie perfectly and gives you just enough strength that with enough skill can help you survive it.

It's a blast with friends, great way to spend an evening. The technical achievements of this game are pretty impressive as well, as it manages to look great while piling zombies onto the screen! It is not infinitely replayable for me the same way left 4 dead is, but that's a huge ask. It's replayable enough that I have enjoyed revisiting the game every few months since release.

Just a bit of mindless fun, I had fun with it. I played in offline mode so I felt the experience was a little bit different for me, as opposed to playing with friends/other people.

better than l4d2 ¯\(ツ)

Um shooter divertido para passar o tempo e jogar aquele co-op sem compromisso. inferior ao L4D2 em tudo, menos gráficos.

Oye, pues es una copia de Left 4 Dead bastante maja para jugar con los amigos. El sistema de experiencia y mejorar armas y tal le da cierta rejugabilidad extra. Los castellers zombies dan muchísima risa.

Like a bad Left 4 Dead. It was overall okay.

What content this game has is extremely good.... But there isn't much of it. It needs more levels, a better matchmaking system and maybe even a Destiny 2 style gambit game mode, they already throw zombies at two teams so it wouldn't take much.

Gostei até, ele algumas vezes é bem repetitivo, acho que esse é um dos únicos problemas, de resto é ótimo

Um Left 4 Dead pra nova geração, mas realmente divertido com amigos também, nada de muito novo

I played through this entire game with some friends in one sitting last weekend. Decent translation of L4D, technically impressive, but nothing special.

Solo daha iyi olan bir oyun. Atmosfer güzel, silah çeşitlendirmesi iyi. Silahların oynadıkça upgrade olması daha iyi. Fakat bölüm az..

es incluso peor que el b4b

Mowing down Zombies is fun as hell.