Reviews from

in the past

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Whoever you thought was the most innocent becomes the most guilty.

I really enjoyed the first entry in this series, and despite being not based on an actual story it felt fully authentic, even if the end has a twist out of your control. This entry on the other hand seems to suffer from attempts to expand its scope both in narrative and gameplay. In an attempt to give the player more to do and more puzzles to solve, the game feels a lot more disjointed in appearance with solutions to problems not feeling as earned as in the first game. There’s a load more mini games but they end up being very same and not adding a whole lot in end which serves to make it feel less fun than the first. There’s also quite a few sequences where it felt like a scene or two was missing as the story suddenly jumped. Particularly one early scene jumps from a conversation to an apartment fire to the aftermath so quickly I thought I had accidentally skipped a cut scene. I’m hopeful for a third entry so long as the developers are given enough time to fully realise their vision.

The story of this point-and-click murder mystery was quite good and some of the puzzles definitely had me scratching my head at times. I am, however, a little disappointed that the game had some graphical and voice over desync issues. Sadly, no updates with a bug fix was made. What annoyed me the most was the ridiculous amount of time it required to load up the next scene every time you moved between locations and major plot points in the story. It could have been so much better.

Eu gostei do jogo, mas muitos bugs que não existiam nos anteriores eram frequentes demais aqui. Personagem preso por objetos, sem conseguir entrar em portas, scroll do mouse não mais dá zoom na área...