Reviews from

in the past

Probably one of the most generic versions of Angry Birds. Played it on plane on my way back home from China.

5 Areas, 30 Levels, 90 Stars, 5 Achievements to complete the game. Aside from that, it has a goal to collectively earn something like 300 Stars with other people on the plane. As no one was playing the game with my, I don't know what will happen, after finishing it.

Anyway, good way to burn your time on a 12 hour plane trip. Took my something like 1,5 hours to complete.

they had this on my air Canada flight
i also watched vivo on that flight
please never watch vivo

It's not very good. Also it's somehow too powerful for Air Canada's airplane computer system to run beyond like 15 FPS.

Only after I emptied out both my 3DS's and Switch's battery on a 14 hour flight did I give this a try. Was alright. Not good enough to be average but it did waste some time.

fun fact:I played this game on a plane.