Reviews from

in the past

Barbie and Her Sisters: Puppy Rescue, oh boy, where do I even start? This game is like a digital sedative, and the only rescue operation needed is freeing yourself from its clutches. Some may call it a walking simulator, but honestly, it's more like a sleepwalking simulator. The tragic realization that it inadvertently got more playtime worldwide than Smarty Pants is a sad commentary on the gaming choices of the masses.

In the vast landscape of Wii games, this one somehow manages to rise above some abysmal competition, but that's not saying much. It's like being the tallest hobbit—still a hobbit. Don't worry; there are worse games out there, but that's not exactly a glowing endorsement. If you find yourself playing Barbie and Her Sisters: Puppy Rescue, you might want to reevaluate your game collection.

Score: 2/10

I forced my brother to play this with me when I was little…it is my childhood

I remember playing this over at a friend's house back when it was still new. It was his little sister's or his little cousin's or something like that, I forgot. Anyway, he wanted to play it as a "joke" cus boyz rool and girlz drool and we would NEVER play Barbie sincerely (which is insanely ironic because even back then I was a diehard Barbie fan, still am) and I loved this game. I had no clue what was going on but I loved every second of it, to the point that I nagged my mom to get it for my 3DS, but she could never find it in stores. I played this again a couple days ago, and looking at it now it's really boring. Imagine riding a bicycle in GTA, but you can't interact with anything other than just going from place to place to find puppies, maybe solve a basic "puzzle" like a maze or something, then play some simple minigames to bring them back up to speed, buy them some stuff, and that's basically it, but goddamn it I'm biased and I had a stupid grin on my face the whole time. Objectively, it's very boring and unpolished, but it's not offensively bad or anything, and I had my fun with it, even if that fun was just me going "Ooh, ooh, I remember seeing that!"

A única coisa boa desse jogo é resgatar cachorro

Mano eu não sei mais o que to fazendo da minha vida e possivelmente eu esteja precisando de ajuda médica pra restaurar a minha saúde mental, e eu agradeço muito ao joguinho da barbie por ter me mostrado isso.

Namoral, gameplay disso aqui é torturante, repetitiva sem contar os gráficos de batata, tem jogos melhores da Barbie eu tenho certeza e acho que nem uma criança conseguiria se divertir com isso aqui direito, tem pouquíssima variação nos objetivos e as falas, acontecimentos é tudo bem repetido

Isso aqui é só tristeza, não jogue isso nem por curiosidade namoral

you don't know peak until you play this

The image of barbies youngest sister standing under huge bold text that read “grooming” is an image that will be burned into my head till I die