Reviews from

in the past

More of the good (totalitarian) stuff. Shout out to devs for major technical changes, you can see they're making an effort

I cannot stand this play style anymore after forcing myself to get all achievements for the first game.

Objectively, the game is an improvement in every way compared to the first game. If you liked the first game you would certainly like the second. I, however, didn't really like the first game much and really really disliked this game.

As soon as I find myself delved into the same situation of trying to "time" all the events just right, I decided I was done with this game and this franchise. I am extremely glad that I didn't get the third one because I would for sure never play it and it would be a giant waste of money.

This game might be extremely fun for you. Unfortunately, all I want to say is fuck this game. Fuck everything that has to do with it.

I promised to be an honorable person in this corrupt world that has turned darkness into it's source of light. I wanted to make sure other people could rest in my bright shadow. While I thought I was changing this world, I was actually dragging people into my shadow and drowning it in darkness. While everything was going well, today I forced a colleague of mine to commit suicide, I accidentally had another arrested, and I tried to cover the bloods on my hands by doing another crime and I put behind the bars one other of my colleague even he didn't has any fault. I regret every second of it, but I would do it again for the gray and soul-sucking view on the 37th floor. I don't care about what's under me anymore. I won.

Karanlığı ışık kaynağı haline getiren bu yozlaşmış dünyada onurlu bir insan olacağıma söz verdim. Başkalarının benim parlak gölgemde dinlenebileceğinden emin olmak istedim. Bu dünyayı değiştirdiğimi sanırken aslında insanları gölgeme sürüklüyor, karanlığa boğuyordum. Her şey yolunda giderken, bugün bir meslektaşımı intihara zorladım, yanlışlıkla bir meslektaşımı tutuklattım, başka bir suç işleyerek ellerimdeki kanları kapatmaya çalıştım ve o da olsa bir meslektaşımı parmaklıklar ardına koydum. hiçbir suçu yoktu. Her saniyesine pişman oluyorum ama 37. kattaki gri ve insanın içini sömüren manzara için yine yapardım. Artık altımda ne olduğu umurumda değil. Kazandım.

Se perdeu totalmente nessa sequência, mesmo continuando um pouco interessante, não prende muito e chega uma hora que fica insuportável.

Loved the first one, and then almost immediatly put this one on hold for years. Its alright if you can get into it

How the fuck do I program the franks help.