Reviews from

in the past

Great micro managing game. Is really slow at times, especially going in and out of the airfield, but the battles are diffcult and hectic and I enjoyed it.

This is a pretty fun little game, but it gets old.

Wanna start off by giving a brief story of my play through, I started with one crew and made it all the way to the end without ANYONE dying, the veterans of the war were tasked with the final mission of killing Hitler, and they did it. Unfortunately, on their way back home, the plane was shot down and they all died. They made it all the way through the entire campaign and even killed Hitler, only to be shot down at the very end. RIP

This game is basically just micro-managing a British bomber plane in WW2, and you go on little bombing missions and whatnot. It's simple yet fun and charming.

You can upgrade a ton of ship parts, a ton of your crews gear, etc. It's a fun game play loop of gaining more xp and money and further upgrading your plane and crew mates.

The real problem is when you've played this game too long, it just starts to drag on. You've seen all the mission types and stuff just gets repetitive. Like the second half of the game I was maxed out on all my equipment and was just trying to finish the game cause I was getting pretty damn bored. I always want games leaving me wanting more, but this game does the exact opposite. It overstays its welcome hard.

I haven't played the USAAF campaign as it's DLC and I haven't played the challenge mode, I also mostly ignored the secret weapons shit as it just wasn't fun, so this is just a review on the base game.

This is a game I'd definitely recommend as it's pretty damn fun, just don't expect to finish it unless you're committed and able to stomach some repetitiveness.

Chill game to play but not that entertaining

this is so incredibly boring, got it for free couldnt even get past the tutorial

Um pouco e desnecessariamente difícil mas é divertido.

unique but tedious after a while

One of my favourite games ever, the gameplay is really enjoyable and the progression is really well paced. I have nothing but good things to say about this game.

I wanted to like this game, but it is so unbelievably frustrating. I don't mind games getting a bit difficult, but this game takes it to a level where it drags everything down. When you risk losing your entire crew permanently every mission, it can make completing said mission all the more satisfying to do. Conversely, it can make things so frustrating that you'll want to pull your hair out, because losing your crew means losing EVERY upgrade you've worked towards for each crewmate, meaning you'll have to retrain an entirely new crew afterwards. The same can happen to your jet. This game has some fun elements, but it's far too unforgiving for how little slack it gives you at any given time, because you're still expected to do some really tough missions even if you've just lost your crew.

everyone keeps dying help i lost my entire crew and now i can't go back

Played this on PS5 (PS4 version) and it was fun for an hour or two. It's mostly about navigating menus in order to keep your crew in check, activating specific crews' abilities and complete objectives like dropping bombs on a target and taking recon photos yourselves. While not on a mission you can use credits that you earn from mission to upgrade your crew's gear and plane. Navigating the menus can be a bit clunky but you'll get used to it pretty quickly. Since most of the game is doing bombing runs the missions can get pretty one-note, and every time the game does a different kind of objective (like escorting a naval battleship), it somehow ends up being not as fun as the usual objectives. There's also issues such as the gunner crew AI aiming the opposite way of the enemies at times, which can be frustrating to watch since it gives enemy planes time to get in range to shoot. It's a shame, this game could be so much more.

Great chaotic management game that allows you to bomb the WW2 Germans.

I became attached to my crew and plane as I built both of them up as our missions over Western Europe became more and more daring. Charming graphics and addictive gameplay, was a real 2017 highlight for me.

Not very enjoyable and very clunky.

This was fun for a very short amount of time, but it got old. Disappointing because I thought it had some real potential.

Wasn’t a fan of this one it’s very simple seemingly but for some reason just a difficult game to enjoy and play

-Понял, вычёркиваю."
(С) Глад Валакас

Bombardear nazis con un super bombardero, no necesita mas explicacion.

pretty fun game to sit down and play, great art style.

bem divertido, tem q grindar infelizmente, mas é bem divertido, soq vai toma no cu o sistema de voar e distancia do chão, bagulho chato

I enjoyed my time with this game, but wouldn't go back. As others have said, it got fairly repetitive towards the end. The risk of loosing your crew/plane each mission was always a slight concern, but if you play carefully it shouldn't be much of a problem. Points for an original concept.

This is realy nice'll enjiy it :p

I really enjoyed my first few hours with this game, but got bored rather quickly and wanted to be done with it.

On one hand this is partly, because it either should've been shorter or featured some other mission objectives, which is admittedly kind of hard to do with a bomber.

On the other hand critical missions could've benefited from a time limit. Missing it wouldn't even have to result into a game over, but could just increase the difficulty of the mission, since the enemy had more time to strengthen defenses or something.
Thus you wouldn't feel compelled to just grind easier missions for better equipment and active perks.
It is technically my own fault, but I did grind a bit much at the beginning of the game, resulting into a big drop off in equipment progression and difficulty by the halfway point.
Then again, this is a game, where a few simple mistakes can result into a full on squad wipe and upgrade optimization is paramount.

Also, maybe don't do an emergency dive while an engineer is out fixing something.

Had my mechanic get out the plane midair, put out two fires, then move over to the other side of the plane to fix another engine whilst the plane was taking evasive manouvers, only to then get back in, revive the pilot, fly the plane whilst the pilot fell unconcious a second time and then went back to his seat when the pilot regained consciousness.

Joguinho bem divertido pra passar o tempo.