Reviews from

in the past

That black and ankh patterned purple furry femboy scene helped me realise I was bisexual, thanks COC

A classic in the world of non-japanese porn games and probably still the most polished of the admittedly pretty niche genre of text-based sandbox erotica. The body transformation options are incredibly varied and pretty creative. Leave it to furries to come up with some weird kinks involving animal anatomy you didn't even know you were interested in. Some of the rng elements, though, can be a bit finnicky, requiring some grinding to get the outcome you want. The quality of writing also varies, as it seems to be multiple authors, but they did manage to write a few scenes that worked pretty well for me personally, so hey, I'll call that a success.

- Slow as shit, annoyingly grindy.
- Has some insta-rapes that are straight up bullshit.
- Has only 3 decent bitches.
- Too much horse dicks.

I'm not a furry so that part is lost on me but otherwise it's ok.

This game permanently ruined my brain.

Corruption of Champions is Fenoxo's first (as far as i know) adult game. This basically invented an entire genre of text-based games revolving around sandbox exploration, RPG aspects, and an incredible amount of character customization through transformations.

This is, from what i've played, the first adult game that can be easily appreciated outside of the porn aspects. That's a very high bar, and the success of Fenoxo's other games (Trials in Tainted Space is the only other one made directly by him, but his good will and aid undeniably helped Corruption of Champions 2) speaks volumes of his talent.

CoC is one of the most important games to come out in the true indie space. Outside of the great erotic content, it does manage to have a lot of interesting life sim elements and so many little hidden things. Although this stuff is part and parcel of the japanese eroge scene for decades, the fact that Fenoxo and crew had almost an convergent evolution is only a good thing and brought a very smart queer element to the sex game genre.

Seriously though, its great.