Reviews from

in the past

Finished while streaming for a friend. Was genuinely so funny watching her seethe at how clueless I can be.

A solid nonogram game. Fairly short with no new mechanics. Many puzzles have large symmetrical portions. That makes it good for newcomers to these games, but experts will find Cupid too easy.

✔️ Tested on Steam Deck, it works pretty decently with the touch screen (10/12/2022)

Just a nonograms game... the interface is cute. The difficulty scales really slowly so it's easy to pick up for players with any level of experience with these puzzles. There's some minor visual bugs but nothing game-breaking.

Its admirable how blatant it is that they did not care at all into giving this any sort of story because its just Picross, so they made this pink haired anime girl show up for less than 20 seconds in the tutorial and then never again.