Reviews from

in the past

As somebody who has probably played more starfy than most people, I do not like this game very much. The game feels like it goes on way too goddamn long, the structure of the game feels like it was haphazardly thrown together. The tone change between worlds 8 and 9 is horrible and actively pissed me off when I played it. By far the worst starfy game.

Jogo mais famoso em xique-xique bahia, só q o 2

Sadly not as good as the first game. This game is a lot longer, with more levels, longer levels, worse vehicles and worse level design. The only good thing here is the bosses which are fun again, but Ogura steals the show. His second phase is really really fun and I like the theme.

No translation for this game, I used this guide:

Shoutout to Moe for being an idiot

This is a lot more connected to the first game than I thought it would be considered how different the plot of the 5th game is to them. Gameplay is mostly the same but just more. A good easy yet charming game.

It’s more Stafy, what more can you ask for other than a shorter campaign?