Reviews from

in the past

Plays great, and the Vita version only improved on that, but whoooof I hate the lead character in this one so much. This whole story is pretty disposable, really, but Raspberyl is cute so it gets a pass. Still my least favorite entry in the series.

Un RPG táctico bastante solido y divertido. La historia me pareció inesperada.

Añade muchas cosas que no tenía el 2 e introduce muchas mecánicas nuevas. Marca el rumbo de cómo mejora la base e introduce el Magicambio, así como mejora el mundo Ítem.
En cuanto a historia es de los que menos me gustan por ahora. No termina de tener un viaje claro, es más como que los protas van dando tumbos por la escuela y encontrándose problemas.
Pero está bien.
Las pjs adicionales de esta versión tardan demasiado en aparecer, eso sí.

En su momento lo odié, pero I wasn't familiar with your game, Disgaea 3.

Aunque sigue estando en el punto medio entre que evoluciona pero no lo suficiente como el 4 como para que el nuevo sistema sea cómodo del todo.

Aún así, la historia de este es mi favorita.

Played, but didn't get the platinum.

Amazing game, half of my personality in school.

mao is still a good protag, you cowards

also nis can you PLEASE make a port of this version so it's not trapped on a console that nobody plays

anime tits (and the lack thereof)

Great Value(TM) Brand Laharl is absolutely fucking insufferable. I've tried playing this game three different times over the span of about 4 years and I just fucking can't stand him. I couldn't stand to play beyond Chapter 4. I don't like Almaz either; he's a whiny knock-off Adell. The only reason this game is getting this high of a score is due to the gameplay itself being well and good.

Idk. This game definitely felt like a step down from the first two. The jokes don't land most of the time (while also being overly long) and the characters are pretty flat. It's still Disgaea, so you get out of it what you put in and I didn't want to put much in.

Покупал ради этой серии игр виту, тоже не трогал постгейм
Если они когда нибудь ее в стим завезут, тогда исправлю эту оплошность

Still my favorite Disgaea game. I love how the cast truly feels like a band of misfits. I think it hits a really nice balance between comedic and serious, and the gameplay systems are solid. I hope one day we can get it ported to something else.

Starting to think I will never not enjoy a Disgaea game. Seemingly considered a step down character wise, I had just as much as fun with them as previous titles. Where I do take umbrage is with the confused mechanical progression the series has taken. Felonies are thankfully gone and statisticans are back. However, more convenient systems such as voting to improve a character's movement or learning weapon skills by simply using a weapon repeatedly have now been barred behind additional systems (class/chara world, class specific weapon proficiency, upgrading weapon skills with mana in addition to repeated use). Instead of adding new depth they've just created more steps to do something you could already do. One step forward, two steps back. Disgaea took the idea of absurd amounts of grinding and made it fun only to turn around and make it tiresome again. Issues I probably wouldn't have noticed were so big had I not decided to do everything in this entry.