Reviews from

in the past

- A genre milestone with lots of historic value
- Lovingly recreated in the Pixel Remaster versions with great soundtrack and visuals (except for the font and weird screen tearing)
- A map and autosave function that will eliminate most of the frustration

- Has aged incredibly badly (even with the bug fixes and modern improvements)
- Barebone, unbalanced combat system with no strategic finesse and often random outcomes
- Awful dungeon designs that punish wrong decisions with more grinding
- Weak story with even weaker dialogue
- Useless classes and faceless avatars
- Laughable pacing that lets you traverse directionless by boat after roughly the first half hour

Magic Moment: When you realize that the entire series started as a DnD game with dwarves. Oh, and the first boat ride!

Verdict: Play for the historic value if you have a little time to spare. Don't replay.

Final Fantasy I Pixel Remaster

El juego sigue siendo el mismo y se nota que es el primero, pero sin duda este pixel remaster me ha sorprendido para bien, pensaba que iba a ser mucho más cutre.


Empezamos el #1Month1FF.

It doesn't try to do too much, which really works in its favor. FF1 is bare bones as far as jRPGs go. Even though it lacks so much, what remains is decently solid. The story isn't bad, the dungeon designs aren't bad, the mechanics aren't bad. Later NES Final Fantasy's would end up biting off more than they could chew, so there's something to be said about FF1 staying in its lane.

A good pick for a no-frills comfy jRPG adventure.

The original was also the first video game I ever played.

I have a debilitating illness when it comes to games that necessitates me to play any series, no matter how episodic or disjointed, in chronological order. It has presumably held me back from dozens of wonderful experiences, yet I maintain that to go about it any other way only invites disappointment if you were ever to trudge back to the origins of a new favorite.

All my life, I had been planning to play through Final Fantasy from the beginning, even as a child, thumbing through GameInformer magazine, excitedly devouring every snippet and article concerning the upcoming twin dragons of FF13 and FF13 "Versus". I concocted my plan, and without a dent made in it, I watched the releases of 13, 13-2, 13-3, 14, 14ARR, 15, and now 7R - a game I thought I would never see in my lifetime - pass me by.

It wasn't for a lack of trying. I had, on many occasions. When I first got my Dingoo A320 back in 2009, Dawn of Souls was one of the first ROMs I ever placed on it. A PSN copy of Final Fantasy Origins is sitting on my PS3's hard drive as we speak. A good friend of mine gifted me a PSP, and I spent an hour playing the FF1 Anniversary edition, but I could never hold through it. I was uncomfortable with them all, for one reason or another.

Despite their sort of strange look, I have to commend the Pixel Remaster series for being the collection to finally get me to break through this silly barrier of mine. Everything runs incredibly, it's finally on my platform of choice in a non-mobile-port form, and chiefly, no creative license is taken that alters the intent of original mechanics, like in so many reconstructions of FF1 before it. It's the original game as I imagine it was intended to be, all programming errors and mechanical bugs cast away.

This accessibility gave way to an experience that I enjoyed exactly as much as (or even more than) I expected. My expectations were not high - I had known of the simplicity of the story, the overall short length, and looming threat of grinding for many years before beginning. Even so, there is a quaintness and pace to FF1 that is commendable.

Battles are over quickly, and the encounter rate is quite fair for a game of its age. Gil fast becomes trivial, the player able to buy hundreds of potions and ethers by the midgame. This eliminates intense resource management, but a similar strategic element still remains with the unique magic system that allows only a small number of casts per spell tier. Mages are essential for all dungeons, and ensuring you have enough juice to get through now and later is an interesting twist.

The final thing that surprised me about FF1 is just how unremarkable it is at times. The beasts that roam the land are straight out of a Tolkien novel, and not at all resembling the futuristic forms the series is known for today. This is more akin to a pulp fiction affair, and I find that quite endearing, even if it is only in contrast to the name on the box.

In all, I still think Final Fantasy is worth your time, especially in this format. It is simple, but never offensively so, and its mammoth shadow over gaming history is hard to resist.

Alright game, felt very basic but also very unique in how it handled a lot of systems that have been kinda refined by later games in the genre. Still was a pretty neat experience, it was surprisingly endearing despite its simplicity.



Removed some of the annoyances from when I played the NES version but still has a lot of the problems of course. The dungeons are mostly a drag to explore due to the encounter rate but the great music helps alleviate some of that. That and a 4x speed mod...

The story and gameplay is very basic for today's standard but I still feel some of the magic. I'm happy to have played this though as it shows competence from Square Enix with these remasters. Looking forward to going through the rest of them and finally re-experiencing them in a way that doesn't look like it spits on the original's, especially VI.

Review bloqueada por una llave mística.

Wanted to experience the first Final Fantasy. It was a fun game, had to use a walkthrough though because there is little direction of what to do in the game.

es bastante interesante ver como este juego, por aquel entonces limitado por la tecnología, fue un intento honesto de llevar D&D a un videojuego y además de forma accesible.

es increíblemente simple comparado con lo que se vendrá, pero en cierto modo eso le añade su propio encanto. Un comienzo más que sólido e interesante para una franquicia tan importante para los videojuegos.

The most classic JRPG ever, a team of 4 heroes vs the bad guy.

Thank you to nacht for supporting me throughout my play through

Was a strange experience. Very classic one, and nostalgic. Fun.

Más disfrutable de lo que me esperaba en un principio.
Requiere farmeo para el jefe final y mods.

𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘀𝘆 𝗜 - 𝗣𝗥 (𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭, 𝗣𝗖)

Did my first ever play-through in the lead up to #StrangerOfParadise - the remaster does a great job of updating visuals and the music remixes slap.

HOWEVER, FF1 has aged poorly and I did need a guide the entire time.

The very foundation of final fantasy series.
Pixel remaster makes everything better.

Para ser un juego de su época no está nada mal. Da mucha libertad para afrontar los objetivos y el combate es original y con bastantes posibilidades. El problema reside en la exageración total y absoluta con los ratios de spawn de enemigos en los encuentros aleatorios, el diseño simplón de las mazmorras y lo críptico que puede llegar a ser el juego sin una guia. Es un buen RPG y sentó las bases de la franquicia, pero el tiempo le ha hecho mucho daño. El remaster es cutre de cojones.

Very good. I am very happy to play this game

It's dated game design is it's biggest flaw but I still love it for what it is

The game shows its age but still hold it well today thanks to this remaster. It's a short game and it's always interesting to play it, just out of curiosity

The best version of a very okay, I can't recommend it since it really shows its age.

It was alright, it aged better than I expected it to, but is otherwise a pretty standard old school turn-based dungeon-focused RPG. Worth playing to see how the Final Fantasy franchise started and began to progress.

guay pa la epoca pero zzz los encuentros aleatorios cada 2 pasos

four heroes must stop a time loop and KILL CHAOS

Aged like shit, pixel remaster fixes lot of shit which didnt work in NES version and for once the art is not trash like the other retired games non pixel remaster from steam. Nostalgia and nothing more, quite meh